
目 录内容简介
Table or Contents (Summary)
1 Introduction to formulas: Excels real power
2 Visual design: Spreadsheets as art
3 References: Point in the right direction
4 Change your point of view: Sort, zoom, and filter
5 Data types: Make Excel value your values
6 Dates and times: Stay on time
7 Finding functions: Mine Excels features on your own
8 Formula auditing: Visualize your formulas
9 Charts: Graph your data
10 What if analysis: Alternate realities
11 Text functions: Letters as data
12 Pivot tables: Hardcore grouping
13 Booleans: TRUE and FALSE
14 Segmentation: Slice and dice
Table of Contents (the real thing)
i Leftovers: The Top Ten Things (we didnt cover)
ii Install Excels Solver: The Solver
Your brain on Excel. Here you are trying to learn something, while here your brain is doing you a favor by making sure the learning doesnt stick. Your brains thinking, "Better leave room for more important things, like which wild animals to avoid and whether naked snowboarding is a bad idea: So how do you trick your brain into thinking that your life depends on knowing spreadsheets?
Who is this book for?
We know what youre thinking
Heres what YOU can do to bend your brain into submission
Read Me
The technical review team
1 Excels real power
We all use Excel to keep lists.
And when it comes to lists, Excel does a great job. But the real Excel ninjas are people who have mastered the world of formulas. Using data well is all about executing the calculations that will tell you what you need to know, and formulas do those calculations, molding your data into something useful and illuminating. If you know your formulas, you can really make your numbers sing.
Can you live it up on the last night of your vacation?
Heres what you budgeted and what you spent
Excel is great for keeping records...
Formulas work with your data
References keep your formulas working even if your data changes
Check your formulas carefully
Refer to a bunch of cells using a range
Use SUM to add the elements in a range
When you copy and paste a formula, the references shift
Excel formulas let you drill deep into your data
Everyone has plenty of cash left for a food-filled night in New York City!
2 Spreadsheets as art
Most people usually use Excel for page layout.
A lot of formula-writing masters, who are familiar with just how powerful Excel can be, are shocked that people “just” use the software for showing information with a grid. But Excel, especially in its more recent versions, has become quite handy as a page layout tool. Youre about to get comfortable with some important and not-so-obvious Excel tools for serious visual design.
CRMFreak needs to present their financials to analysts
The dollar sign is part of your cells formatting
How to format your data
The boss approves!
Design principle: keep it simple
Clash of the design titans...
Use fonts to draw the eye to what is most important
Cell styles keep formatting consistent for elements that repeat
With your cell styles selected, use Themes to change your look
He likes it, but theres something else...
Use proximity and alignment to group like things together
Your spreadsheet is a hit!
3 Point in the right direction
A formula is only as good as its references.
No matter how creative and brilliant your formula is, it wont do you much good if it does not point to the correct data. its easy to get references right for short, individual formulas, but once those formulas get long and need to be copied, the chance of reference mistakes increases dramatically. In this chapter, youll exploit absolute and relative references as well as Excels advanced new structured reference feature, ensuring that no matter how big and numerous your references are, your formulas will stay tight and accurate.
MIN returns the lowest number in a series
Let Excel fill in ranges by starting your formula and using
your mouse
Excel got the right answer using a more sophisticated reference
Use absolute references to prevent shifting on copy/paste
Absolute references give you a lot of options
Named ranges simplify your formulas
Excels Tables make your references quick and easy
Structured references are a different dimension of absolute reference
Your profitability forecasts proved accurate
4 Sort, zoom, and filter
5 Make Excel value your Values
6 Stay on time
7 Mine Excels features on your own
8 Visualize your formulas
9 Graph your data
10 Alternate realities
11 Letters as data
12 Hardcore grouping
14 Slice and dice
1 Introduction to formulas: Excels real power
2 Visual design: Spreadsheets as art
3 References: Point in the right direction
4 Change your point of view: Sort, zoom, and filter
5 Data types: Make Excel value your values
6 Dates and times: Stay on time
7 Finding functions: Mine Excels features on your own
8 Formula auditing: Visualize your formulas
9 Charts: Graph your data
10 What if analysis: Alternate realities
11 Text functions: Letters as data
12 Pivot tables: Hardcore grouping
13 Booleans: TRUE and FALSE
14 Segmentation: Slice and dice
Table of Contents (the real thing)
i Leftovers: The Top Ten Things (we didnt cover)
ii Install Excels Solver: The Solver
Your brain on Excel. Here you are trying to learn something, while here your brain is doing you a favor by making sure the learning doesnt stick. Your brains thinking, "Better leave room for more important things, like which wild animals to avoid and whether naked snowboarding is a bad idea: So how do you trick your brain into thinking that your life depends on knowing spreadsheets?
Who is this book for?
We know what youre thinking
Heres what YOU can do to bend your brain into submission
Read Me
The technical review team
1 Excels real power
We all use Excel to keep lists.
And when it comes to lists, Excel does a great job. But the real Excel ninjas are people who have mastered the world of formulas. Using data well is all about executing the calculations that will tell you what you need to know, and formulas do those calculations, molding your data into something useful and illuminating. If you know your formulas, you can really make your numbers sing.
Can you live it up on the last night of your vacation?
Heres what you budgeted and what you spent
Excel is great for keeping records...
Formulas work with your data
References keep your formulas working even if your data changes
Check your formulas carefully
Refer to a bunch of cells using a range
Use SUM to add the elements in a range
When you copy and paste a formula, the references shift
Excel formulas let you drill deep into your data
Everyone has plenty of cash left for a food-filled night in New York City!
2 Spreadsheets as art
Most people usually use Excel for page layout.
A lot of formula-writing masters, who are familiar with just how powerful Excel can be, are shocked that people “just” use the software for showing information with a grid. But Excel, especially in its more recent versions, has become quite handy as a page layout tool. Youre about to get comfortable with some important and not-so-obvious Excel tools for serious visual design.
CRMFreak needs to present their financials to analysts
The dollar sign is part of your cells formatting
How to format your data
The boss approves!
Design principle: keep it simple
Clash of the design titans...
Use fonts to draw the eye to what is most important
Cell styles keep formatting consistent for elements that repeat
With your cell styles selected, use Themes to change your look
He likes it, but theres something else...
Use proximity and alignment to group like things together
Your spreadsheet is a hit!
3 Point in the right direction
A formula is only as good as its references.
No matter how creative and brilliant your formula is, it wont do you much good if it does not point to the correct data. its easy to get references right for short, individual formulas, but once those formulas get long and need to be copied, the chance of reference mistakes increases dramatically. In this chapter, youll exploit absolute and relative references as well as Excels advanced new structured reference feature, ensuring that no matter how big and numerous your references are, your formulas will stay tight and accurate.
MIN returns the lowest number in a series
Let Excel fill in ranges by starting your formula and using
your mouse
Excel got the right answer using a more sophisticated reference
Use absolute references to prevent shifting on copy/paste
Absolute references give you a lot of options
Named ranges simplify your formulas
Excels Tables make your references quick and easy
Structured references are a different dimension of absolute reference
Your profitability forecasts proved accurate
4 Sort, zoom, and filter
5 Make Excel value your Values
6 Stay on time
7 Mine Excels features on your own
8 Visualize your formulas
9 Graph your data
10 Alternate realities
11 Letters as data
12 Hardcore grouping
14 Slice and dice
目 录内容简介
你会看到如何将Excel融入你的工作流程的每一方面,从对大量工作表做出计算并根据数据透视表执行探索性分析,到使用单变量求解(Goal Seek)优化结果,并用优美的数据可视化展示你的结论。
你会看到如何将Excel融入你的工作流程的每一方面,从对大量工作表做出计算并根据数据透视表执行探索性分析,到使用单变量求解(Goal Seek)优化结果,并用优美的数据可视化展示你的结论。

