
目 录内容简介
Ⅰ Holomorphic Functions
1.Complex Geometry
Real and Complex Structures
Hermitian Forms and Inner Products
Balls and Polydisks
Reinhardt Domains
2.Power Series
Power Series
3.Complex Differentiable Functions
The Complex Gradient
Weakly Holomorphic Functions
Holomorphic Functions
4.The Cauchy Integral
The Integral Formula
Holomorphy of the Derivatives
The Identity Theorem
5.The Hartogs Figure
Expansion in Reinhardt Domains
Hartogs Figures
6.The Cauchy-Riemann Equations
Real Differentiable Functions
Wirtinger's Calculus
The Cauchy-Riemann Equations
7.Holomorphic Maps
The Jacobian
Chain Rules
Tangent Vectors
The Inverse Mapping
8.Analytic Sets
Analytic Subsets
Bounded Holomorphic Functions
Regular Points
Injective Holomorphic Mappings
Ⅱ Domains of Holomorphy
1.The Continuity Theorem
General Hartogs Figures
Removable Singularities
The Continuity Principle
Hartogs Convexity
Domains of Holomorphy
2.Plurisubharmonic Functions
Subharmonic Functions
The Maximum Principle
Differentiable Subharmonic Functions
Plurisubharmonic Functions
The Levi Form
Exhaustion Functions
The Boundary Distance
Properties of Pseudoconvex Domains
4.Levi Convex Boundaries
Boundary Functions
The Levi Condition
Affine Convexity
A Theorem of Levi
5.Holomorphic Convexity
Affine Convexity
Holomorphic Convexity
The Cartan-Thullen Theorem
6.Singular Functions
Normal Exhaustions
Unbounded Holomorphic Functions
7.Examples and Applications
Domains of Holomorphy
Complete Reinhardt Domains
Analytic Polyhedra
8.Riemann Domains over Cn
Riemann Domains
Union of Riemann Domains
9.The Envelope of Holomorphy
Holomorphy on Riemann Domains
Envelopes of Holomorphy
Boundary Points
Analytic Disks
Ⅲ Analytic Sets
1.The Algebra of Power Series
The Banach Algebra Bt
Expansion with Respect to zt
Convergent Series in Banach Algebras
Convergent Power Series
Distinguished Directions
2.The Preparation Theorem
Division with Remainder in Bt
The Weierstrass Condition
Weierstrass Polynomials
Weierstrass Preparation Theorem
3.Prime Factorization
Unique Factorization
Gauss's Lemma
Factorization in Hn
Hensel's Lemma
The Noetherian Property
4.Branched Coverings
Euclidean Domains
The Algebraic Derivative
Symmetric Polynomials
The Discriminant
The Unbranched Part
5.Irreducible Components
Embedded-Analytic Sets
Images of Embedded Analytic Sets
Local Decomposition
The Zariski Topology
Global Decompositions
6.Regular and Singular Points
Compact Analytic Sets
Embedding of Analytic Sets
Regular Points of an Analytic Set
The Singular Locus
Extending Analytic Sets
The Local Dimension
Ⅳ Complex Manifolds
1.The Complex Structure
Complex Coordinates
Holomorphic Functions
Riemann Surfaces
Holomorphic Mappings
Cartesian Products
Analytic Subsets
Differentiable Functions
Tangent Vectors
The Complex Structure on the Space of Derivations
The Induced Mapping
Immersions and Submersions
2.Complex Fiber Bundles
Lie Groups and Transformation Grot ps
Fiber Bt ndles
Complex Vector Bundles
Standard Constructions
Lifting of Bundles
Subbundles and Quotients
3. Cehomolcgy
Cohomology Groups
Acyclic Coverings
The Singular Cohomology
4. Meromorphic Functions and Divisors
The Ring of Germs
Analytic Hypersurfaces
Meromorphic Functions
Associated Line Bundles
Meromorphic Sections
5. Quotients and Submanifolds
Topological Quotients
Analytic Decompositions
Properly Discontinuously Acting Groups
Complex Tori
Hopf Manifolds
The Complex Projective Space
Meromorphic Functions
Grassmannian Manifolds
Ⅴ Stein Theory
Ⅵ Kahler Manifolds
Ⅶ Boundary Behavior
Index of Notation
Ⅰ Holomorphic Functions
1.Complex Geometry
Real and Complex Structures
Hermitian Forms and Inner Products
Balls and Polydisks
Reinhardt Domains
2.Power Series
Power Series
3.Complex Differentiable Functions
The Complex Gradient
Weakly Holomorphic Functions
Holomorphic Functions
4.The Cauchy Integral
The Integral Formula
Holomorphy of the Derivatives
The Identity Theorem
5.The Hartogs Figure
Expansion in Reinhardt Domains
Hartogs Figures
6.The Cauchy-Riemann Equations
Real Differentiable Functions
Wirtinger's Calculus
The Cauchy-Riemann Equations
7.Holomorphic Maps
The Jacobian
Chain Rules
Tangent Vectors
The Inverse Mapping
8.Analytic Sets
Analytic Subsets
Bounded Holomorphic Functions
Regular Points
Injective Holomorphic Mappings
Ⅱ Domains of Holomorphy
1.The Continuity Theorem
General Hartogs Figures
Removable Singularities
The Continuity Principle
Hartogs Convexity
Domains of Holomorphy
2.Plurisubharmonic Functions
Subharmonic Functions
The Maximum Principle
Differentiable Subharmonic Functions
Plurisubharmonic Functions
The Levi Form
Exhaustion Functions
The Boundary Distance
Properties of Pseudoconvex Domains
4.Levi Convex Boundaries
Boundary Functions
The Levi Condition
Affine Convexity
A Theorem of Levi
5.Holomorphic Convexity
Affine Convexity
Holomorphic Convexity
The Cartan-Thullen Theorem
6.Singular Functions
Normal Exhaustions
Unbounded Holomorphic Functions
7.Examples and Applications
Domains of Holomorphy
Complete Reinhardt Domains
Analytic Polyhedra
8.Riemann Domains over Cn
Riemann Domains
Union of Riemann Domains
9.The Envelope of Holomorphy
Holomorphy on Riemann Domains
Envelopes of Holomorphy
Boundary Points
Analytic Disks
Ⅲ Analytic Sets
1.The Algebra of Power Series
The Banach Algebra Bt
Expansion with Respect to zt
Convergent Series in Banach Algebras
Convergent Power Series
Distinguished Directions
2.The Preparation Theorem
Division with Remainder in Bt
The Weierstrass Condition
Weierstrass Polynomials
Weierstrass Preparation Theorem
3.Prime Factorization
Unique Factorization
Gauss's Lemma
Factorization in Hn
Hensel's Lemma
The Noetherian Property
4.Branched Coverings
Euclidean Domains
The Algebraic Derivative
Symmetric Polynomials
The Discriminant
The Unbranched Part
5.Irreducible Components
Embedded-Analytic Sets
Images of Embedded Analytic Sets
Local Decomposition
The Zariski Topology
Global Decompositions
6.Regular and Singular Points
Compact Analytic Sets
Embedding of Analytic Sets
Regular Points of an Analytic Set
The Singular Locus
Extending Analytic Sets
The Local Dimension
Ⅳ Complex Manifolds
1.The Complex Structure
Complex Coordinates
Holomorphic Functions
Riemann Surfaces
Holomorphic Mappings
Cartesian Products
Analytic Subsets
Differentiable Functions
Tangent Vectors
The Complex Structure on the Space of Derivations
The Induced Mapping
Immersions and Submersions
2.Complex Fiber Bundles
Lie Groups and Transformation Grot ps
Fiber Bt ndles
Complex Vector Bundles
Standard Constructions
Lifting of Bundles
Subbundles and Quotients
3. Cehomolcgy
Cohomology Groups
Acyclic Coverings
The Singular Cohomology
4. Meromorphic Functions and Divisors
The Ring of Germs
Analytic Hypersurfaces
Meromorphic Functions
Associated Line Bundles
Meromorphic Sections
5. Quotients and Submanifolds
Topological Quotients
Analytic Decompositions
Properly Discontinuously Acting Groups
Complex Tori
Hopf Manifolds
The Complex Projective Space
Meromorphic Functions
Grassmannian Manifolds
Ⅴ Stein Theory
Ⅵ Kahler Manifolds
Ⅶ Boundary Behavior
Index of Notation
目 录内容简介