作者:(美)阿霍 等著
出版:机械工业出版社 2006.1
定价:48.00 元
去豆瓣看看 1 Models of Computation
1.1 Algorithms and their complexity
1.2 Random access machines
1.3 Computational complexity of RAM programs
1.4 A stored program model
1.5 Abstractons of the ARM
1.6 A primitive model of computation:the Turing machine
1.7 Relationship between the Turing machine and RAM models
1.8 Pidgin ALGOL-a high-level lanuage
2 Design of Efficient Algorlthms
2.1 Data structures:lists,queues ,and stacks
2.2 Set representations
2.3 Graphs
2.4 Trees
2.5 Recursion
2.6 Divide-and -conquer
2.7 Balancing
2.8 Dynamic programming
2.9 Epilogue
3 Sorting and Order Statistics
3.1 The Sorting problem
3.2 Radix Sorting
3.3 Sorting by comparisons
3.4 Heapsort-An O Comparison sort
3.5 Quicksort-an O expected time sort
3.6 Order statistics
3.7 Expected time for order statistics
4 Data Structures for Set Manipulation Problems
4.1 Fundamental operations on sels
4.2 Hashing
4.3 Binary search
4.4 Binary search trees
4.5 Optimal binary search trees
4.6 A simple disjoint-set union algorithm
4.7 Tree Structures for the UNION-FIND problem
4.8 Applications and extensions of the UNION-FIND algorithm
4.9 Balanced tree schemes
4.10 Dictionaries and priorty queues
4.11 Mergeable heaps
4.12 Concatenable queues
4.13 Partitioning
4.14 Chapter summary
5 Algorithms on Graphs
6 Matrix Multiplication and Related Operations
7 The Fast Fourier Transform and its Applications
8 Integer and Polynomial Arithmetic
9 Pattern-Matching Algorithms
10 NP-Complete Problems
11 Some Provably Intractable Problems
12 Lower Bounds on Numbers of Arithmetic Operations
Alfred V.Aho于普林斯顿大学获得博士学位,现任贝尔实验室基础科学研究院副院长,计算机科学研究中心主任、ACM自动控制与可计算机理论特别兴趣组副主席以及美国国家科学基金会计算机与信息技术顾问委员会主席。