Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1.Deforfflable.body dynamics
1.1.1.Cable dynamics
1.1.2.Beams and rods
1.1.3.Plates and shells
1.1.4.Soft webs
1.2.Book layout
Chapter 2 Tensor Analysis
2.1.Vectors and tensors
2.1.1.Vector algebra
2.1.2.Base vectors and metric tensors
2.1.3.Local base vector transformation
2.1.4.Tensor algebra
2.2.Second.order tensors
2.2.1.Second.order tensor algebra
2.2.2.Basic properties
2.2.3.Tensor decompositions
2.2.4.Tensor functions
2.3.Tensor calculus
2.3.2.Invariant differential operators and integral theorems
2.3.3.Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensors
2.4.Two.point tensor fields
2.4.1.Two-point tensors
2.4.2.Independent coordinates
2.4.3.Correlated coordinates
2.4.4.Shifter tensor fields
Chapter 3 Deformation,Kinematics and Dynamics
3.1.Deformation geometry
3.1.1.Curvilinear coordinates
3.1.2.Deformation gradient and tensors
3.1.3.Green-Cauchy strain tensors and engineering strain
3.1.4.Principal strains and directions
3.2.1.Material derivatives
3.2.2.Strain rates
3.3.1.Forces and stresses
3.3.2.Transport theorem
3.3.3.Cauchy stress and couple-stress tensors
3.4.Energy conservation
Chapter 4 Constitutive Laws and Damage Theory
4.1.Constitutive equations
4.2.Material damage and effective stress
4.3.Equivalence principles
4.4.An anisotropic damage theory
4.5.1.Uniaxial tensional models
4.5.2.Pure torsion
4.5.3.Elastic perfectly-plastic materials
References Chapter 5 Nonlinear Cables
5.1.A nonlinear theory of cables
5.2.Traveling and rotating cables
5.3.Equilibrium of traveling elastic cables
5.3.1.Existence conditions
5.4.Nonlinear dynamics of cables
5.4.1.Equations of motion
5.4.2.Motions of inextensible cables
5.4.3.Motions ofdef01Tnable cables
Chapter 6 Nonlinear Plates and Waves
6.1.A nonlinear theory of plates
6.1.1.Deformation of a 3-D body
6.1.2.Strains in thin plates
6.1.3.Equations of motion
6.1.4.Reduction to established theories
6.2.Waves in traveling plates
6.2.1.An approximate theory
6.2.2.Perturbation analysis
6.2.3.Static waves
6.2.4.Nonlinear waves
6.2.5 Chaotic waves
6.3.Waves in rotating disks
6.3.1.Equations of motions
6.3.2.Nonlinear waves
6.3.3.Resonant and stationary waves
Chapter 7 Nonlinear Webs.Membranes and Shells
7.1.Nonlinear webs
7.1.1.Cable-network webs
7.1.2.Cable-fabric webs
7.1.3.Continuum webs
7.2.Nonlinear membranes
7.2.1.A membrane theory based on the Cartesian coordinates-
7.2.2.A membrane theory based on the curvilinear coordinates
7.3.Nonlinear shells
7.3.1.A shell theory based on the Cartesian Coordinates
7.3.2.A shell theory based on the curvilinear coordinates
Chapter 8 Nonlinear Beams and Rods
8.1.Differential geometry of curves
8.2.A nonlinear theory of straight beams
8.3.Nonlinear curved beams
8.3.1.A nonlinear theory based on the Cartesian C00rdinates
8.3.2.A nonlinear theory based on the curvilinear coordinates
8.4.A nonlinear theory of straight rods
8.5.Nonlinear curved rods
8.5.1.A curved rod theory based on the Cartesian coordinates
8.5.2.A curved rod theory based on the curvilinear coordinates
Subject Index