
目 录内容简介
chapter 1. preliminaries to complex analysis
1 complex numbers and the complex plane
1.1 basic properties
1.2 convergence
1.3 sets in the complex plane
2 functions on the complex plane
2.1 continuous functions
2.2 holomorphic functions
2.3 power series
3 integration along curves
4 exercises
chapter 2. cauchy's theorem and its applications
1 goursat's theorem
2 local existence of primitives and cauchy's theorem in a disc
3 evaluation of some integrals
4 cauchy's integral formulas
5 further applications
.5.1 morera's theorem
5.2 sequences of holomorphic functions
5.3 holomorphic functions defined in terms of integrals
5.4 schwarz reflection principle
5.5 runge's approximation theorem
6 exercises
7 problems
chapter 3. meromorphic functions and the logarithm
1 zeros and poles
2 the residue formula
2.1 examples
3 singularities and meromorphic functions
4 the argument principle and applications
5 homotopies and simply connected domains
6 the complex logarithm
7 fourier series and harmonic functions
8 exercises
9 problems
chapter 4. the fourier transform
1 the class
2 action of the fourier transform on
3 paley-wiener theorem
4 exercises
5 problems
chapter 5. entire functions
1 jensen's formula
2 functions of finite order
3 infinite products
3.1 generalities
3.2 example: the product formula for the sine function
4 weierstrass infinite products
5 hadamard's factorization theorem
6 exercises
7 problems
chapter 6. the gamma and zeta functions
1 the gamma function
1.1 analytic continuation
1.2 further properties of γ
2 the zeta function
2.1 functional equation and analytic continuation
3 exercises
4 problems
chapter 7. the zeta function and prime number the- orem
1 zeros of the zeta function
1.1 estimates for 1/ζ(s)
2 reduction to the functions ψ and ψ1
2.1 proof of the asymptotics for ψ1
note on interchanging double sums
3 exercises
4 problems
chapter 8. conformal mappings
i conformal equivalence and examples
1.1 the disc and upper half-plane
1.2 further examples
1.3 the dirichlet problem in a strip
2 the schwarz lemma; automorphisms of the disc and upper half-plane
2.1 automorphisms of the disc
2.2 automorphisms of the upper half-plane
3 the riemann mapping theorem
3.1 necessary conditions and statement of the theorem
3.2 montel's theorem
3.3 proof of the riemann mapping theorem
4 conformal mappings onto polygons
4.1 some examples
4.2 the schwarz-christoffel integral
4.3 boundary behavior
4.4 the mapping formula
4.5 return to elliptic integrals
5 exercises
6 problems
chapter 9. an introduction to elliptic functions
1 elliptic functions
1.1 liouville's theorems
1.2 the weierstrass p function
2 the modular character of elliptic functions and eisenstein series
2.1 eisenstein series
2.2 eisenstein series and divisor functions
3 exercises
4 problems
chapter 10. applications of theta functions
1 product formula for the jacobi theta function
1.1 further transformation laws
2 generating functions
3 the theorems about sums of squares
3.1 the two-squares theorem
3.2 the four-squares theorem
4 exercises
5 problems
appendix a: asymptotics
i bessel functions
2 laplace's method; stirling's formula
3 the airy function
4 the partition function
5 problems
appendix b: simple connectivity and jordan curve theorem
1 equivalent formulations of simple connectivity
2 the jordan curve theorem
2.1 proof of a general form of cauchy's theorem
notes and references
symbol glossary
chapter 1. preliminaries to complex analysis
1 complex numbers and the complex plane
1.1 basic properties
1.2 convergence
1.3 sets in the complex plane
2 functions on the complex plane
2.1 continuous functions
2.2 holomorphic functions
2.3 power series
3 integration along curves
4 exercises
chapter 2. cauchy's theorem and its applications
1 goursat's theorem
2 local existence of primitives and cauchy's theorem in a disc
3 evaluation of some integrals
4 cauchy's integral formulas
5 further applications
.5.1 morera's theorem
5.2 sequences of holomorphic functions
5.3 holomorphic functions defined in terms of integrals
5.4 schwarz reflection principle
5.5 runge's approximation theorem
6 exercises
7 problems
chapter 3. meromorphic functions and the logarithm
1 zeros and poles
2 the residue formula
2.1 examples
3 singularities and meromorphic functions
4 the argument principle and applications
5 homotopies and simply connected domains
6 the complex logarithm
7 fourier series and harmonic functions
8 exercises
9 problems
chapter 4. the fourier transform
1 the class
2 action of the fourier transform on
3 paley-wiener theorem
4 exercises
5 problems
chapter 5. entire functions
1 jensen's formula
2 functions of finite order
3 infinite products
3.1 generalities
3.2 example: the product formula for the sine function
4 weierstrass infinite products
5 hadamard's factorization theorem
6 exercises
7 problems
chapter 6. the gamma and zeta functions
1 the gamma function
1.1 analytic continuation
1.2 further properties of γ
2 the zeta function
2.1 functional equation and analytic continuation
3 exercises
4 problems
chapter 7. the zeta function and prime number the- orem
1 zeros of the zeta function
1.1 estimates for 1/ζ(s)
2 reduction to the functions ψ and ψ1
2.1 proof of the asymptotics for ψ1
note on interchanging double sums
3 exercises
4 problems
chapter 8. conformal mappings
i conformal equivalence and examples
1.1 the disc and upper half-plane
1.2 further examples
1.3 the dirichlet problem in a strip
2 the schwarz lemma; automorphisms of the disc and upper half-plane
2.1 automorphisms of the disc
2.2 automorphisms of the upper half-plane
3 the riemann mapping theorem
3.1 necessary conditions and statement of the theorem
3.2 montel's theorem
3.3 proof of the riemann mapping theorem
4 conformal mappings onto polygons
4.1 some examples
4.2 the schwarz-christoffel integral
4.3 boundary behavior
4.4 the mapping formula
4.5 return to elliptic integrals
5 exercises
6 problems
chapter 9. an introduction to elliptic functions
1 elliptic functions
1.1 liouville's theorems
1.2 the weierstrass p function
2 the modular character of elliptic functions and eisenstein series
2.1 eisenstein series
2.2 eisenstein series and divisor functions
3 exercises
4 problems
chapter 10. applications of theta functions
1 product formula for the jacobi theta function
1.1 further transformation laws
2 generating functions
3 the theorems about sums of squares
3.1 the two-squares theorem
3.2 the four-squares theorem
4 exercises
5 problems
appendix a: asymptotics
i bessel functions
2 laplace's method; stirling's formula
3 the airy function
4 the partition function
5 problems
appendix b: simple connectivity and jordan curve theorem
1 equivalent formulations of simple connectivity
2 the jordan curve theorem
2.1 proof of a general form of cauchy's theorem
notes and references
symbol glossary
目 录内容简介

