目录第一部分 植物细胞遗传学的结构、变异和图谱1. 植物染色体的删除、插入和重排 32. 基因组的结构和染色体功能 373. 植物B型染色体:是什么使它们不同? 594. 植物的细胞遗传学图谱 795. DNA和染色质纤维为基础的植物细胞遗传学 121第二部分 植物细胞遗传学的功能、组织和动力学6. 植物着丝粒 1337. 植物端粒 1438. 植物减数分裂期染色体的遗传和细胞学行为 1939. 表观遗传组蛋白标记在植物染色体上的分布和功能解释 231第三部分 植物细胞遗传学的方法、信息和指导教学10. 染色体的显微切割和显微分离DNA技术的应用 25711. 玉米抗体操作手册:免疫定位和染色质免疫共沉淀实验 27112. 延伸DNA纤维的荧光原位杂交技术 28713. 荧光原位杂交和荧光原位PCR技术 29514. 植物细胞遗传学的基因组数据库 31115. 植物分子细胞遗传学的实验室实践练习 323索引 335(李建勇 译)ContentsPart I Structure,Variation,and Mapping in Plant Cytogenetics1 Plant Chromosomal Deletions,Insertions,and Rearrangemens 3Donald L.Auger and William F.Sheridan2 Genome Structure and Chromosome Function 37Khwaja G.Hossain,Scott A.Jackson,and Shahryar F.Kianian3 Plant B Chromosomes: What Makes Them Different? 59Andreas Houben and Mariana Carchilan4 Cytogenetic Mapping in Plants 79Debbie M.Figueroa,Ina E.Amarillo,and Hank W.Bass5 DNA and Chromatin Fiber-Based Plant Cytogenetics 121Jason G.Walling and Jiming JiangPart II Function,Organization,and Dynamics in Plant Cytogenetics6 Plant Centromeres 133James A.Birchler,Zhi Gao,and Fangpu Han7 Plant Telomeres 143Jonathan C.Lamb,Eugene V.Shakirov,and Dorothy E.Shippen8 Genetics and Cytology of Meiotic Chromosome Behavior in Plants 193Shaun P.Murphy and Hank W.Bass9 Chromosomal Distribution and Functional Interpretation of Epigenetic Histone Marks in Plants 231Jorg Fuchs and Ingo SchubertPart III Methods,lnformatics,and Instruction in Plant Cytogenetics10 Chromosome Microdissection and Utilization of Microisolated DNA 257Andreas Houben11 Maize Antibody Procedures:Immunolocalization and Chromatin Immunoprecipitatio 271X.Li,C.N.Topp,and R.K.Dawe12 Methods of Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization on Extended DNA Fibers (Fiber-FISH) 287Jason G.Walling,Robert M.Stupar,and Jiming Jiang13 Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization and In Situ PCR 295James A.Birchler and Tatiana V.Danilova14 Plant Cytogeneticsin Genome Databases 311Lisa C.Harper,Taner Z.Sen,and Carolyn J.Lawrence15 Practical Laboratory Exercises for Plant Molecular Cytogenetics 323Scott A.Jackson,Shahryar F.Kianian,Khwaja G.Hossain,and Jason G.WallingIndex 335