Editorial Staff 编辑人员
Preface by Wang Zongyan 王宗炎序
Preface 序言
English over Fifteen Centuries 15个世纪以来英语的发展
Using this Dictionary 使用说明
Abbreviations used in the Dictionary 略语表
Note on Proprietary Status 关于专利名称地位的说明
Appendices 附录
I Countries of the World 附录1世界各国
II Countries of the UK 附录2英国区划
III States of the USA 附录3美国各州
IV The Commonwealth 附录4英联邦
V Books of the Bible 附录5《圣经》诸篇
VI The Greek and Russian Alphabets 附录6希腊与俄语字母表
VII Roman Numerals 附录7罗马数字
VIII Weights, Measures, and Units 附录8度量衡单位
IX The Chemical Elements 附录9化学元素
X Major Divisions of Geological Time 附录10地质年代主要分期
XI The Beaufort Scale 附录11蒲福风级
XII Biological Classification 附录12生物分类
XIII Style Guide 附录13书写规范
A. Punctuation 标点
B. Spelling Rules 拼写规则
C. Capitalization 大写
D. Italicization 斜体
E. References to People 关于人名指称
F. Offensive Language and Sexism 冒犯语及性别歧视
XIV Proof-reading Marks 附录14校对符号
XV Indo-European Languages 附录15印欧诸语
XVI Terms for Groups of Animals etc. 附录16表动物等群体的词汇
XVII Word Games Supplement 附录17字词游戏补编