Chapter One Introduction to C(引言)
1.1 Brief history of C(C语言简史)
1.2 Why programmers use C(为什么程序员爱用C语言)
1.2.1 C is portable
1.2.2 C is a structured programming language
1.2.3 C is efficient
1.2.4 C is flexible
1.2.5 C is powerful
1.2.6 C is concise
1.3 Developing a C program(开发C程序)
1.4 Suggestions for learning C Programming(学习C语言程序设计的建议)
Chapter Two C Data Types(C数据类型)
2.1 Constants(常量)
2.2 Variables(变量)
2.3 Simple output to the screen(简单的屏幕输出)
2.4 Comments(注释)
2.5 Data types(数据类型)
2.5.1 Short integer data types
2.5.2 Long integer data types
2.5.3 Unsigned integer data types
2.5.4 Double floating-point data type
2.6 Data type sizes(数据类型的大小)
Programming pitfalls
Quick syntax reference
Chapter Three Simple Arithmetic Operations and Expressions(简单的算术运算和表达式)
3.1 C operators(C运算符)
3.1.1 The assignment operator
3.1.2 Arithmetic operators
3.1.3 Increment and decrement operators
3.1.4 Combined operators
3.2 Operator precedence(运算符优先级)
3.3 Type conversions and casts(类型转换与强制类型转换)
Programming pitfalls
Quick syntax reference
Chapter Four Keyboard Input and Screen Output(键盘输入和屏幕输出)
4.1 Simple keyboard input(简单的键盘输入)
4.2 Using a width and precision specification in printf( )
[在函数printf( )中使用域宽和精度说明]
4.3 Single-character input and output(单个字符的输入和输出)
Programming pitfalls
Quick syntax reference
Chapter Five Control Statements: If and Switch(控制语句:if和switch)
5.1 The if statement(if语句)
5.2 The if-else statement(if-else语句)
5.3 Logical operators(逻辑运算符)
5.4 Nested if statements(嵌套的if语句)
5.5 The switch statement(switch语句)
5.6 The conditional operator ?:(条件运算符)
Programming pitfalls
Quick syntax reference
Chapter Six Iterative Control Statements: while, do-while, and for
6.1 The while statement(while语句)
6.2 The do-while loop(do-while循环)
6.3 The for statement(for语句)
6.4 Nested loops(嵌套的循环)
Programming pitfalls
Quick syntax reference
Chapter Seven Arrays(数组)
7.1 Introduction to arrays(引言)
7.2 Initialising arrays(数组初始化)
7.3 Two-dimensional arrays(二维数组)
7.4 Initialising two-dimensional arrays(二维数组的初始化)
7.5 Multi-dimensional arrays(多维数组)
Programming pitfalls
Quick syntax reference
Chapter Eight Pointers(指针)
8.1 Variable addresses(变量的地址)
8.2 Pointer variables(指针变量)
8.3 The dereference operator *(解引用运算符*)
8.4 Why use pointers? (为什么使用指针)
Programming pitfalls
Quick syntax reference
Chapter Nine Pointers and Arrays(指针和数组)
9.1 Pointers and one-dimensional arrays(指针和一维数组)
9.2 Pointers and multi-dimensional arrays(指针和多维数组)
9.3 Dynamic memory allocation(动态内存分配)
9.3.1 The malloc function
9.3.2 The calloc function
9.3.3 The realloc function
9.3.4 Allocating memory for multi-dimensional arrays
Programming pitfalls
Chapter Ten Strings(字符串)
10.1 String literals(字符串)
10.2 Long character strings(长字符串)
10.3 Strings and arrays(字符串和数组)
10.4 Displaying a string(显示一个字符串)
10.5 The puts function[puts函数]
10.6 The gets function[gets函数]
10.7 Accessing individual characters of a string(访问字符串中的单个字符)
10.8 Assigning a string to a pointer(用字符串为字符指针赋值)
10.9 String functions(字符串处理函数)
10.9.1 Finding the length of a string
10.9.2 Copying a string
10.9.3 String concatenation
10.9.4 Comparing strings
10.9.5 Other string functions
10.10 Converting numeric strings to numbers(数值字符串向数值的转换)
10.11 Arrays of strings(字符串数组)
Programming pitfalls
Quick syntax reference
Chapter Eleven Functions(函数)
11.1 Introduction(引言)