作者:[丹] 安徒生(Andersen,H.C.) 著 [美] 赫尔舒特 译
出版:天津社会科学院出版社 2013.1
定价:48.00 元
ISBN-10:7806888993 去豆瓣看看
出版:天津社会科学院出版社 2013.1
定价:48.00 元
ISBN-10:7806888993 去豆瓣看看
目 录内容简介
《安徒生童话全集(英文版 经典插图版 套装共2册)》选用的美国翻译家赫尔舒特英文译本。
愿《安徒生童话全集(英文原版)(经典插图版)(套装共2册)》永远陪伴你,一起记录你的欢乐、你的悲伤、你的成长!The Complete Andersen includes first prints (they had never been printed in Danish, either) of no less than three fairy tales: Folks say, The Poor Woman and the Little Canary Bird, and Urbanus; the edition also includes The Pigs from the travel book In Sweden, the whole Picture Book Without Pictures, which is often placed among the travel books, and the novel Lucky Peer which may also with all reason be called a fairy tale novel. Normally, Lucky Peer is ranged as a novel.The list of works translated by Hersholt includes the original 156 printed in Andersen's own time plus the fairy tales found in his papers—and published after his death: The Court Cards, Croak!, Danish Popular Legends, God Can Never Die, The Penman, The Talisman, and This Fable is Intended for You.
愿《安徒生童话全集(英文原版)(经典插图版)(套装共2册)》永远陪伴你,一起记录你的欢乐、你的悲伤、你的成长!The Complete Andersen includes first prints (they had never been printed in Danish, either) of no less than three fairy tales: Folks say, The Poor Woman and the Little Canary Bird, and Urbanus; the edition also includes The Pigs from the travel book In Sweden, the whole Picture Book Without Pictures, which is often placed among the travel books, and the novel Lucky Peer which may also with all reason be called a fairy tale novel. Normally, Lucky Peer is ranged as a novel.The list of works translated by Hersholt includes the original 156 printed in Andersen's own time plus the fairy tales found in his papers—and published after his death: The Court Cards, Croak!, Danish Popular Legends, God Can Never Die, The Penman, The Talisman, and This Fable is Intended for You.