I Artificial Intelligence
1 Introduction
2 IntelligentAgents
11 Problem-solving
3 Solving Problems by Searching
4 Informed Search and Exploration
5 Constraint Satisfaction Problems
6 Adversarial Search
Ill Knowledge and reasoning
7 Logical Agents
8 First-Order Logic
9 Inference in First-Order Logic
10 Knowledge Representation
IV Planning
11 Planning
12 Planning and Acting in the Real WOrld
V Uncertain knowledge and reasoning
13 Uncertainty
14 Probabilistic Reasoning
15 Probabilistic Reasoning over Time
16 Making Simple Decisions
17 Making Complex Decisions
VI Learning
18 Learning from Observations
19 Knowledge in Learning
20 Statistical Learning Methods
21 Reinforcement Learning
Vll Communicating, perceiving, and acting
22 Communication
23 Probabilistic Language Processing
24 Perception
25 Robottes
Vlll ConCluSionS
26 Philosophical Foundations
27 Al: Present and Future
A Mathematical background
B Notes on Languages and Algorithms.
Stuart Russell,was born in 1962 in Portsmouth,England.He received his B.A.with first-class hon-ours in physics from Oxford Undiversity in 1982,and his Ph,D.in computer science from Stanford in 1986.He then joined the faculty of the University of California at Berkeley,where he is a professor of computer science,director of the Center for Intelligent Systems,and holder of the Smith-Zadeh Chair in Engineering.In 1990,he received the Presidential Young Investigator Award of the National Science Foundation,and in 1995 he was cowinner of the Computers and Thought Award.He was a 1996Miller Professor of the University of California and was appointed to a Chancellor s Professor ship in 2000.In 1998,he gave the Forsythe Memorial Lectures at Stanford University He is a Fellow and former Executive Council member of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence.He has published over 100 papers on a wide range of topics in artificial intelligence.His other books include The Use of Knowledge in Analogy and Induction and (with Eric Wefald)Do the Right Thing:Studies in Limited Rationality.