作者:(美)彼得森,(美)戴维 著
出版:机械工业出版社 2012.4
定价:139.00 元
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Foreword to the First Edition
1 Foundation
Problem: Building a Network
1.1 Applications
1.1.1 Classes of Applications
1.2 Requirements
1.2.1 Perspectives
1.2.2 Scalable Connectivity
1.2.3 Cost-Effective Resource Sharing
1.2.4 Support for Common Services
1.2.5 Manageability
1.3 Network Architecture
1.3.1 Layering and Protocols
1.3.2 Internet Architecture
1.4 Implementing Network Software
1.4.1 Application Programming Interface(Sockets)
1.4.2 Example Application
1.5 Performance
1.5.1 Bandwidth and Latency
1.5.2 Delay x Bandwidth Product
1.5.3 High-Speed Networks
1.5.4 Application Performance Needs
1.6 Summary
What's Next: Cloud Computing
Further Reading
2 Getting Connected
Problem: Connecting to a Network
2.1 Perspectives on Connecting
2.1.1 Classes of Links
2.2 Encoding (NRZ, NRZI, Manchester, 4B/5B)
2.3 Framing
2.3.1 Byte-Oriented Protocols(BISYNC,PPP,DDCMP)
2.3.2 Bit-Oriented Protocols (HDLC).
2.3.3 Clock-Based Framing (SONET)
2.4 Error Detection
2.4.1 Two-Dimensional Parity
2.4.2 Internet Checksum Algorithm
2.4.3 Cyclic Redundancy Check
2.5 Reliable Transmission
2.5.1 Stop-and-Wait.
2.5.2 Sliding Window
2.5.3 Concurrent Logical Channels
2.6 Ethernet and Multiple Access Networks (802.3)
2.6.1 Physical Properties
2.6.2 Access Protocol
2.6.3 Experience with Ethernet
2.7 Wireless
2.7.1 802.11/Wi-Fi
2.7.2 Bluetooth(802.1 5.1 )
2.7.3 CeLIPhone Technologies
2.8 Summary
What's Next: "The Internet of Things"
Further Reading
3 Internetworking
Problem: Not All Networks are Directly Connected
3.1 Switching and Bridging
3.1.1 Datagrams
3.1.2 VirtuaI Circuit Switching
3.1.3 Source Routing
3.1.4 Bridges and LAN Switches
3.2 Basic Internetworking (IP)
3.2.1 What Is an Internetwork?
3.2.2 Service Model
3.2.3 Global Addresses
3.2.4 Datagram Forwarding in IP
3.2.5 Subnetting and Classless Addressing
4 Advaned Internetworking
5 End-to-End Protocols
6 Congestion Control and Resource Allocation
7 End-to-End Data
8 Network Security
9 Applications
Larry L. Peterson,普林斯顿大学副校长,计算机科学系Robert E. Kahn教授,并且还是Verivue,Inc.首席科学家。他于1985年在普度大学获得博士学位,其研究方向主要是网络系统的设计与实现。
Bruce S. Davie,拥有英国爱丁堡大学计算机科学博士学位,于1995年加入Cisco公司,并于1998年被授予Cisco特别会员荣誉称号。他主持设计了MPLS协议,并开发了其他重要的因特网技术。Davie博士在加入Cisco之前曾担任贝尔通信研究公司的首席科学家。