Critical bibliography
A note on the text
Biogrraphical smopses
Politics drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture Dedication
First Book. Of the principles of human society
First Article. Man is made to live in society
Article Ⅱ. The society of mankind gives birth to civil
society, that is to say, to states, peoples, and nations
Article Ⅲ. To form nations and unite the people, it is necessary to have a government
Article Ⅳ. On laws
Article Ⅴ. Consequences of the general principles of humanity
Article Ⅵ. On the love of country
Conclusion. To conclude this book, and to reduce it to an abstract
Second Book. On authority: that the royal and herditary [type] is the most pfoper for government
First Article. By whom authority has been exercised since the beginning of the world
Article Ⅱ [on the right of conquest]
Third Book. In which one begins to explain the nature and the properties of royal authority
First Article. Taking notice of the essential characteristics
Article Ⅱ. Royal authority is sacred
Article Ⅲ. Royal authority is paternal, and its proper character is goodness
Fourth Book. On the characteristics of royalty(continuation)
First Article. Royal authority is absolute
Second Article. On softness, irresolution and false firmness
Fifth Book. Fourth and final characteristic of royal authority
First Article. Royal authority is subject to reason
Article Ⅱ. Means by which the prince can acquire necessary knowledge
Article Ⅲ. On dangerous curiosities and kinds of knowledge: and on the confidence one must place in God
Article Ⅳ. Consequences of the preceding doctrine: concerning majesty and its adjuncts
Sixth Book. The duies of subiects toward the prince, based on the preceding doctrine
Seventh Book: On the particular duties of royalty
Eighth Book.The particular duties of rayalty,continued:of justice
Ninth Book.The supports of royalty:arms,riches or finances,and counsels
Tenth and Final Book. Continuation of helps to royalty: Riches or finances; Counsel; the inconveniences and tempatations which accompany royalty:and the remedies that one can bring to them