作者:(美)巴拉赫,(美)兰宝 著
出版:人民邮电出版社 2006.1
定价:55.00 元
去豆瓣看看 Chapter I Introduction
1.1 What Is Object Orientation?, 1
1.2 What Is OO Development?, 3
1.3 OO Themes, 6
1.4 Evidence for Usefulness of OO Development, 8
1.5 OO Modeling History, 9
1.6 Organization of This Book, 9
Bibliographic Notes, 10
References, 11
Exercises, 11
Part 1: Modeling Concepts
Chapter 2 Modeling as a Design Technique
2.1 Modeling, 15
2.2 Abstraction, 16
2.3 The Three Models, 16
2.4 Chapter Summary, 18
Bibliographic Notes, 19
Exercises, 19
Chapter 3 Class Modeling
3.1 Object and Class Concepts, 21
3.2 Link and Association Concepts, 27
3.3 Generalization and Inheritance, 37
3.4 A Sample Class Model, 41
3.5 Navigation of Class Models, 43
3.6 Practical Tips, 48
3.7 Chapter Summary, 49
Bibliographic Notes, 50
References, 51
Exercises, 52
Chapter 4 Advanced Class Modeling
4.1 Advanced Object and Class Concepts, 60
4.2 Association Ends, 63
4.3 N.ary Associations, 64
4.4 Aggregation, 66
4.5 Abstract Classes, 69
4.6 Multiple Inheritance, 70
4.7 Metadata, 75
4.8 Reification, 76
4.9 Constraints, 77
4.10 Derived Data, 79
4.11 Packages, 80
4.12 Practical Tips, 81
4.13 Chapter Summary, 82
Bibliographic Notes, 83
References, 83
Exercises, 83
Chapter 5 State Modeling
5.1 Events, 90
5.2 States, 92
5.3 Transitions and Conditions, 94
5.4 State Diagrams, 95
5.5 State Diagram Behavior, 99
5.6 Practical Tips, 103
5.7 Chapter Summary, 103
Bibliographic Notes, 105
References, 106
Exercises, 106
Chapter 6 Advanced State Modeling
6.1 Nested State Diagrams, 110
6.2 Nested States, 111
6.3 Signal Generalization, 114
6.4 Concurrency, 114
6.5 A Sample State Model, 118
6.6 Relation of Class and State Models, 123
Michael Blaha博士是加拿大温哥华Modelsoft咨询公司以及美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥SentientPoint公司的合伙人。他是IEEE计算机学会的活跃人物。他的研究兴趣包括面向对象技术、建模、系统架构、数据库设计、企业集成和反向工程。
James Rumbaug博士是IBM Rational的杰出工程师。他是UML三位首创者之一。他撰写的有关面向对象的书籍和文章在计算机界影响深远。