chapter 1 Introduction.
1.1 Overview and History.
1.2 What Do Compilers Do?
1.3 The Structure of a Compiler.
1.4 The Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages.
1.5 Compiler Design and Programming Language Design.
1.6 Compiler Classifications.
1.7 Influences On Computer Design.
chapter 2 A Simple Compiler.
2.1 The Structure of a Micro Compiler.
2.2 A Micro Scanner.
2.3 The Syntax of Micro.
2.4 Recursive Descent Parsing.
2.5 Translating Micro.
chapter 3 Scanning--Theory and Practice.
3.1 Overview.
3.2 Regular Expressions.
3.3 Finite Automata and Scanners.
3.4 Using a Scanner Generator.
3.5 Practical Considerations.
3.6Translating Regular Expressions Into Finite Automata.
chapter 4 Grammars and Parsing.
4.1 Context-Free Grammars: Concepts and Notation.
4.2 Errors in Context-Free Grammars.
4.3 Transforming Extended Bnf Grammars.
4.4 Parsers and Recognizers.
4.5 Grammar Analysis Algorithms.
chapter 5 Ll(1) Grammars and Parsers.
5.1 The Ll(1) Predict Function.
5.2 The Ll(1) Parse Table.
5.3 Building Recursive Descent Parsers From Ll(1) Tables.
5.4 An Ll(1) Parser Driver.
5.5 Ll(1) Action Symbols.
5.6 Making Grammars Ll(1) / The If-Then-Else Problem in Ll(1) Parsing.
5.7 The Llgen Parser Generator.
5.8 The llgen parser generator
5.9 Properties of Ll(1) Parsers.
5.10 Ll(K) Parsing.
chapter 6 Lr Parsing.
chapter 7 Semantic Processing.
chapter 8 Symbol Tables.
chapter 9 Run-Time Storage Organization.
chapter 10 Processing Declarations.
chapter 11 processing expressions and data structure references
chapter 12 translating control structures
chapter 13 translating procedures and functions
chapter 14 attribute grammars and multipass translation
chapter 15 code generation and local code optimization
chapter 16 global optimization
chapter 17 parsing in the real world
Appendices A. Definition of Ada/Cs.
Appendices B. Scangen.
Appendices C. Llgen User Manual.
Appendices D. Lalrgen User Manual.
Appendices E. Error-Repair Features of Llgen and Lalrgen.
Appendices F. Compiler Development Utilities.