1.Why Some Old Lovers LookAlike· 为啥夫妻越长越像·
2. 14-Day Plan Improves Memory “14天计划”增强记忆力
3.The Top 5 Laziest Inventions 世界上最懒的五大发明
4.Rice Bra Suppoas Japan’S Farming Fad 日本推行可种水稻的文胸
5.Birth Month Influences Your Chances ofBecoming a Professional Sportspel'son 出生月份影响一个人成为职业运动员的几率
6. UN to Ban Texting by Drivers oflts Vehicles 联合国禁止其工作人员驾车时发短信
7.Robot Conducts Wedding in Tokyo 机器人在东京做婚礼司仪
8.Are Slavers the Real Builders ofthe Great Pyramids· 奴隶是埃及金字塔的真正建造者吗·
9.The Anti-swine Flu Holy Water Dispenser 可防流感的自动圣水机
10.Piece ofNewton’SApple Tree to Defy Gravity in Space 牛顿重力苹果树将飞向太空体验零重力
11.Better Urban Life 城市的生活更美好
12.NASA Photographs“”Trees“”on Mars 美国国家航空航天局从火星上拍到“树木”
13. Brides’Wedding Dress Storage Dilemma Solved by Scientists 科学家解决了婚纱保存的难题
14.R0bot That Cleans:Inventor'S Ideal Woman 会做家务的机器人:发明家的理想女友
15.Is It Good for Children to Tell White Lies· 孩子们善意的谎言是好是坷订
16. Does Animal Homosexuality Exist· 动物到底有无同性恋·
17.greMen ReallyMoreIntelligentThanWomen· 男性智商真的EE女性高’
18.MenAlso Suffer from Postnatal Depression 男性同样会得产后抑郁症
19. Solar-powered Plane Soars above Switzerland 太阳能飞机在瑞士高飞
20.The SolarTaxi,Just Have a Try! 试试“太阳能出租车”