作者:(美)克尼汉 等著
出版:机械工业出版社 2006.8
定价:35.00 元
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Chapter 1.A Tutorial Introduction
1.1 Getting Started
1.2 Variables and Arithmetic Expressions
1.3 The For Statement
1.4 Symbolic Constants
1.5 Character Input and Output
1.6 Arrays1.7 Functions
1.8 Arguments-Call aby Value
1.9 Character Arrays
1.10 External Variables and Scope
Chapter 2.Types,Operators,and Expressions
2.1 Variable Names
2.2 Data Types and Sizes
2.3 Constants
2.4 Declarations
2.5 Arithmetic Cperators
2.6 Relational and Logical Operators
2.7 Type Conversions
2.8 Increment and Decrement Operators
2.9 Bitwise Operators
2.10 Assignment Operators and Expressions
2.11 Conditional Expressions
2.12 Precedence and Order of Evaluation
Chapter 3.Control Flow
3.1 Statements and Blocks
3.2 If-Else
3.3 Else-If
3.4 Switch
3.5 Loops-While and For
3.6 Loops-Do-while
3.7 Break and Continue
3.8 Goto and Labels
Chapter 4.Functions and Program Structure
4.1 Basics of Functions
4.2 Functions Returning Non-integers
4.3 External Variables
4.4 Scope Rules
4.5 Header Files
4.6 Static Variables
4.7 Register Variables
4.8 Block Structure
4.9 Initialization
4.10 Recursion
4.11 The C Preprocessor
Chapter 5.Pointers and Arrays
5.1 Pointers and Addresses
5.2 Pointers and Function Arguments
5.3 Pointers and Arrays
5.4 Address Arithmetic
5.5 Character Pointers and Functions
5.6 Pointer Arrays;Pointers to Pointers
5.7 Multi-dimensional Arrays
5.8 Initialization of Pointer Arrays
5.9 Pointers vs Multi-dimensional Arrays
5.10 Command-line Argunents
5.11 Pointers to Functions
5.12 Complicated Declarations
Chapter 6.Structures
6.1 Basics of Structures
6.2 Strucures and Functions
6.3 Arrays of Structures
6.4 Pointers to Structures
6.5 Self-referential Structures
6.6 Table Lookup
6.7 Typedef
6.8 Bit-fields
Chapter 7.Input and Output
7.1 Standard Input and Output
7.2 Formatted Output-Printf
Brian W.Kernighan,贝尔实验室计算科学研究中心高级研究人员,著名的计算机科学家。他参加了UNIX系统、C语言、AWK语言和许多其他系统的开发,同时出版了许多在计算机领域具有影响的著作,包括《The Elements of Programming Style》、《The Practice of Programming》、《The UNIX Programming Environment》、《The AWK Language》、《Software Tools》等。