English over Fifteen Centuries
Using this Dictionary
Abbreviations used in the Dictionary
Note on Proprietary Status
The Concise Oxford Dictionary
I Countries of the World
Ⅱ Counties of the UK
Ⅲ States of the USA
IV The Commonwealth
Ⅴ Books of the Bible
Ⅵ The Greek and Russian Alphabets
Ⅶ Roman Numerals
Ⅷ Weights, Measures, and Units
Ⅸ The Chemical Elements
Ⅹ Major Divisions of Geological Time
Ⅺ The Beaufort Scale of Wind Speed
Ⅻ Biological Classification
XIII Style Guide
A. Punctuation Marks
B. Spelling Rules
C. Capitalization
D. Italicization
E. References to People
F. Offensive Language and Sexism
XIV Proof-reading Marks
XV Indo-European Languages
XVIT Terms for Groups of Animals etc.
XVII Word Games Supplement