
目 录内容简介
1 General Probability Theory
1.1 Infinite Probability Spaces
1.2 Random Variables and Distributions
1.3 Expectations
1.4 Convergence of Integrals
1.5 Computation of Expectations
1.6 Change of Measure
1.7 Summary
1.8 Notes
1.9 Exercises
2 Information and Conditioning
2.1 Information and or-algebras
2.2 Independence
2.3 General Conditional Expectations
2.4 Summary
2.5 Notes
2.6 Exercises
3 Brownian Motion
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Scaled Random Walks
3.2.1 Symmetric Random "Walk
3.2.2 Increments of the Symmetric Random Walk
3.2.3 Martingale Property for the Symmetric Random Walk
3.2.4 Quadratic Variation of the Symmetric Random Walk
3.2.5 Scaled Symmetric Random Walk
3.2.6 Limiting Distribution of the Scaled Random Walk
3.2.7 Log-Normal Distribution as the Limit of the Binomial Model
3.3 Brownian Motion
3.3.1 Definition of Brownian Motion
3.3.2 Distribution of Brownian Motion
3.3.3 Filtration for Brownian Motion
3.3.4 Martingale Property for Brownian Motion
3.4 Quadratic Variation
3.4.1 First-Order Variation
3.4.2 Quadratic Variation
3.4.3 Volatility of Geometric Brownian Motion
3.5 Markov Property
3.6 First Passage Time Distribution
3.7 Reflection Principle
3.7.1 Reflection Equality
3.7.2 First Passage Time Distribution
3.7.3 Distribution of Brownian Motion and Its Maximum
3.8 Summary
3.9 Notes
3.10 Exercises
4 Stochastic Calculus
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Itos Integral for Simple Integrands
4.2.1 Construction of the Integral
4.2.2 Properties of the Integral
4.3 Itos Integral for General Integ-rands
4.4 Ito-Doeblin Formula
4.4.1 Formula for Brownian Motion
4.4.2 Formula for It6 Processes
4.4.3 Examples
4.5 Black-Scholes-Merton Equation
4.5.1 Evolution of Portfolio Value
4.5.2 Evolution of Option Value
4.5.3 Equating the Evolutions
4.5.4 Solution to the Black-Seholes-Merton Equation
4.5.5 The Greeks
4.5.6 Put-Call Parity
4.6 Multivariable Stochastic Calculus
4.6.1 Multiple Brownian Motions
4.6.2 Ito-Doeblin Formula for Multiple Processes
4.6.3 Recognizing a Brownian Motion
4.7 Brownian Bridge
4.7.1 Gaussian Processes
4.7.2 Brownian Bridge as a Gaussian Process
5 Risk-Neutral Pricing
6 Connections with Partial Differential Equations
7 Exotic Options
8 American Derivative Securities
9 Change of Numeraire
10 Term-Structure Models
11 Introduction to Jump Processes
A Advanced Topics in Probability Theory
B Existence of Conditional Expectations
C Completion of the Proof of the Second Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing
1.1 Infinite Probability Spaces
1.2 Random Variables and Distributions
1.3 Expectations
1.4 Convergence of Integrals
1.5 Computation of Expectations
1.6 Change of Measure
1.7 Summary
1.8 Notes
1.9 Exercises
2 Information and Conditioning
2.1 Information and or-algebras
2.2 Independence
2.3 General Conditional Expectations
2.4 Summary
2.5 Notes
2.6 Exercises
3 Brownian Motion
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Scaled Random Walks
3.2.1 Symmetric Random "Walk
3.2.2 Increments of the Symmetric Random Walk
3.2.3 Martingale Property for the Symmetric Random Walk
3.2.4 Quadratic Variation of the Symmetric Random Walk
3.2.5 Scaled Symmetric Random Walk
3.2.6 Limiting Distribution of the Scaled Random Walk
3.2.7 Log-Normal Distribution as the Limit of the Binomial Model
3.3 Brownian Motion
3.3.1 Definition of Brownian Motion
3.3.2 Distribution of Brownian Motion
3.3.3 Filtration for Brownian Motion
3.3.4 Martingale Property for Brownian Motion
3.4 Quadratic Variation
3.4.1 First-Order Variation
3.4.2 Quadratic Variation
3.4.3 Volatility of Geometric Brownian Motion
3.5 Markov Property
3.6 First Passage Time Distribution
3.7 Reflection Principle
3.7.1 Reflection Equality
3.7.2 First Passage Time Distribution
3.7.3 Distribution of Brownian Motion and Its Maximum
3.8 Summary
3.9 Notes
3.10 Exercises
4 Stochastic Calculus
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Itos Integral for Simple Integrands
4.2.1 Construction of the Integral
4.2.2 Properties of the Integral
4.3 Itos Integral for General Integ-rands
4.4 Ito-Doeblin Formula
4.4.1 Formula for Brownian Motion
4.4.2 Formula for It6 Processes
4.4.3 Examples
4.5 Black-Scholes-Merton Equation
4.5.1 Evolution of Portfolio Value
4.5.2 Evolution of Option Value
4.5.3 Equating the Evolutions
4.5.4 Solution to the Black-Seholes-Merton Equation
4.5.5 The Greeks
4.5.6 Put-Call Parity
4.6 Multivariable Stochastic Calculus
4.6.1 Multiple Brownian Motions
4.6.2 Ito-Doeblin Formula for Multiple Processes
4.6.3 Recognizing a Brownian Motion
4.7 Brownian Bridge
4.7.1 Gaussian Processes
4.7.2 Brownian Bridge as a Gaussian Process
5 Risk-Neutral Pricing
6 Connections with Partial Differential Equations
7 Exotic Options
8 American Derivative Securities
9 Change of Numeraire
10 Term-Structure Models
11 Introduction to Jump Processes
A Advanced Topics in Probability Theory
B Existence of Conditional Expectations
C Completion of the Proof of the Second Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing
目 录内容简介

