作者:(美)罗伯茨(Roberts,F.S) 等著
出版:机械工业出版社 2005.5
定价:79.00 元
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1. What Is Combinatorics?
1.1 The Three Problems of Combinatorics
1.2 The History and Applications of Combinatorics
References for Chapter 1
PART I The Basic Tools of Combinatorics
2. Basic Counting Rules.
2.1 The Product Rules
2.2 The Sum Rule
2.3 Permutations
2.4 Complexity of Computation
2.5 r-Permutatlons
2.6 Subsets
2.7 r-Combinations
2.8 Probability
2.9 Sampling with Replacement
2.10 Occupancy Problems
2.11 Multinomial Coefficients
2.12 Complets Digest by Enzymes
2.13 Permutaions with Chasses of Indistinguishable Objects Revisited
2.14 The Binomial Expansion
2.15 Power in Simple Games
2.16 Generationg Permutations and Combinations
2.17 Inverion Distance Between Permutaions
2.18 Good Algorithms
2.19 Pigeonhole Principle and Its Generalizations
Additional Exercises for Chapter 2
References for Chapter2
3. Introduction to GraphTheory.
PART II The Countion Problem
5. Generating Functions and Their Applications.
6. Recurrence Relations.
7. The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion.
8. The Polya Theory of Counting
PART III The Existence Problem
9. Combinatorial Design.
10. Coding Theory.
11. Existence Problems in Graph Theory
PART IV Combinatorial Optimization
12. Matching and Covering.
13. Optimization Problems for Graphs and Networks.
Author Index
Subject Index
弗雷德 S.罗伯茨,美国拉特格大学数学系教授,研究方向包括数学模型在社会学、行为学、生物学、环境科学以及传媒和交通方面的应用,图论与组合数学,测度论等。