作者:[英] 奥斯丁(Austen,J.) 著
出版:译林出版社 2012.8
定价:32.00 元
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Chapter Ⅺ
Chapter Ⅻ
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Chapter ⅩⅤ
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Chapter ⅩⅦ
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Chapter ⅩⅩⅠ
Jane Austen(1775-1817)was bornin Steventon, Hampshire, England. Hereducation was mainly conducted withinher family. She wrote six novels in her life.They center on the lives of young women ofthe middle class, and every novel ends witha happy marriage or two. As an unmarriedwoman of very modest financial means,Jane Austen understood the hopes and fearsof women who had to rely on marriage andfamily connections to provide them with ahome and means to live.
Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen,first published in 1813. The story follows the maincharacter Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issuesof manners,upbringing,morality,education,andmarriage in the society of the landed gentry of early19th-century England. Though the story was set atthe turn of the 19th century,it retains a fascinationfor modern readers,continuing near the top oflists of"most loved books."It has become one of the mostpopular novels in English literature.