
Preface (序)
Foreword( 前言 )
List of figures
List of tables
1 Introduction
1.1 Phonetics and phonology
1.2 Spoken and written forms in English
1.3 Outline of this book
2 Places and manners of articulation
2.1 The speech mechanism
2.2 The organs of speech
2.2.1 The larynx and vocal folds
2.2.2 The articulators above the larynx
2.3 Places of articulation
2.4 Manners of articulation
3 Description and classification of speech sounds
3.1 Phonetic and phonological description
3.2 The classification of speech sound
3.2.1 Vowels and consonants
3.2.2 Classification of English consonants
3.2.3 Classification of English vowels
3.3 The transcription of speech sound
3.3.1 Board and narrow transcription
3.3.2 International Phonetic Alphabet
4 Acoustic components of speech
4.1 The nature of speech sound
4.2 The sources and filters
4.3 The acoustic spectrum
4.3.1 Oscillogram(waveform)
4.3.2 Fundamental frequency: pitch
4.3.3 Formants
4.3.4 Spectrogram
5 Plosives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Phonetic features of English plosives
5.2.1 Places of articulation
5.2.2 Force of articulation
5.2.3 VOT and aspiration
5.2.4 Voicing
5.2.5 Release
5.2.6 Pre-fortis clipping
5.3 The phoneme/p/
5.3.1 General considerations
5.3.2 Spellings
5.3.3 Sound distribution
5.3.4 Articulation
5.3.5 Acoustics
5.4 The phoneme/b/
5.5 The phoneme/t/
5.6 The phoneme/d/
5.7 The phoneme/k/
5.8 The phoneme/9/
6 Fricatives and affricates
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Phonetic features of English plosives and affricates
6.2.1 Places of articulation
6.2.2 Force of articulation
6.2.3 Voicing
6.2.4 Length
6.2.5 Acoustic characteristics
6.3 The phoneme/f/
6.4 The phoneme/v/
6.5 The phoneme/0/
6.6 The phoneme/6/
6.7 The phoneme/s/
6.8 The phoneme/z/
6.9 The phoneme/I/
6.10 The phoneme/3/
6.11 The phoneme /h/
6.12 The phoneme/tJ/
6.13 The phoneme /d3/
7 Nasals and appr0ximants
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Phonetic features of English nasals and approximants
7.2.1 Places of articulation
7.2.2 Vocalic nature of nasals and approximants
7.2.3 Voicing
7.2.4 Acoustic characteristics
7.3 The phoneme/m/
7.4 The phoneme/n/
7.5 The phoneme/r3/
7.6 The phoneme/j/
7.7 The phoneme/w/
7.8 The phoneme/r/
7.9 The phoneme/1/
8 Pure vowels
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Phonetic features of English pure vowels
8.2.1 Places of articulation
8.2.2 Vowel length
8.2.3 Acoustic characteristics
8.2.4 Acquisition of pure English vowels
8.3 The Phoneme/i:/
8.4 The Phoneme/I/
8.5 The Phoneme/e/
8.6 The Phoneme/e/
8.7 The Phoneme/u:/
8.8 The Phoneme/o/
8.9 The Phoneme/o:/
8.10 The Phoneme/D/
8.11 The Phoneme/a:/
8.12 The Phoneme/3:/
8.13 The Phoneme/e/
8.14 The Phoneme/A/
9 iphthongs
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Phonetic features of English diphthongs
9.2.1 Places of articulation
9.2.2 Vowel length
9.2.3 Acoustic characteristics
9.3 The Phoneme/aft
9.4 The Phoneme/af/
9.5 The Phoneme/ef/
9.6 The Phoneme/ao/
9.7 The Phoneme/eo/
9.8 The Phoneme/io/
9.9 The Phoneme/co/
9.10 The Phoneme/ue/
Preface (序)
Foreword( 前言 )
List of figures
List of tables
1 Introduction
1.1 Phonetics and phonology
1.2 Spoken and written forms in English
1.3 Outline of this book
2 Places and manners of articulation
2.1 The speech mechanism
2.2 The organs of speech
2.2.1 The larynx and vocal folds
2.2.2 The articulators above the larynx
2.3 Places of articulation
2.4 Manners of articulation
3 Description and classification of speech sounds
3.1 Phonetic and phonological description
3.2 The classification of speech sound
3.2.1 Vowels and consonants
3.2.2 Classification of English consonants
3.2.3 Classification of English vowels
3.3 The transcription of speech sound
3.3.1 Board and narrow transcription
3.3.2 International Phonetic Alphabet
4 Acoustic components of speech
4.1 The nature of speech sound
4.2 The sources and filters
4.3 The acoustic spectrum
4.3.1 Oscillogram(waveform)
4.3.2 Fundamental frequency: pitch
4.3.3 Formants
4.3.4 Spectrogram
5 Plosives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Phonetic features of English plosives
5.2.1 Places of articulation
5.2.2 Force of articulation
5.2.3 VOT and aspiration
5.2.4 Voicing
5.2.5 Release
5.2.6 Pre-fortis clipping
5.3 The phoneme/p/
5.3.1 General considerations
5.3.2 Spellings
5.3.3 Sound distribution
5.3.4 Articulation
5.3.5 Acoustics
5.4 The phoneme/b/
5.5 The phoneme/t/
5.6 The phoneme/d/
5.7 The phoneme/k/
5.8 The phoneme/9/
6 Fricatives and affricates
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Phonetic features of English plosives and affricates
6.2.1 Places of articulation
6.2.2 Force of articulation
6.2.3 Voicing
6.2.4 Length
6.2.5 Acoustic characteristics
6.3 The phoneme/f/
6.4 The phoneme/v/
6.5 The phoneme/0/
6.6 The phoneme/6/
6.7 The phoneme/s/
6.8 The phoneme/z/
6.9 The phoneme/I/
6.10 The phoneme/3/
6.11 The phoneme /h/
6.12 The phoneme/tJ/
6.13 The phoneme /d3/
7 Nasals and appr0ximants
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Phonetic features of English nasals and approximants
7.2.1 Places of articulation
7.2.2 Vocalic nature of nasals and approximants
7.2.3 Voicing
7.2.4 Acoustic characteristics
7.3 The phoneme/m/
7.4 The phoneme/n/
7.5 The phoneme/r3/
7.6 The phoneme/j/
7.7 The phoneme/w/
7.8 The phoneme/r/
7.9 The phoneme/1/
8 Pure vowels
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Phonetic features of English pure vowels
8.2.1 Places of articulation
8.2.2 Vowel length
8.2.3 Acoustic characteristics
8.2.4 Acquisition of pure English vowels
8.3 The Phoneme/i:/
8.4 The Phoneme/I/
8.5 The Phoneme/e/
8.6 The Phoneme/e/
8.7 The Phoneme/u:/
8.8 The Phoneme/o/
8.9 The Phoneme/o:/
8.10 The Phoneme/D/
8.11 The Phoneme/a:/
8.12 The Phoneme/3:/
8.13 The Phoneme/e/
8.14 The Phoneme/A/
9 iphthongs
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Phonetic features of English diphthongs
9.2.1 Places of articulation
9.2.2 Vowel length
9.2.3 Acoustic characteristics
9.3 The Phoneme/aft
9.4 The Phoneme/af/
9.5 The Phoneme/ef/
9.6 The Phoneme/ao/
9.7 The Phoneme/eo/
9.8 The Phoneme/io/
9.9 The Phoneme/co/
9.10 The Phoneme/ue/

