作者:Martin Fowler,Kent Beck,John Brant,William Opdyke,Don Roberts(马丁.福勒,肯特.贝克,约翰.布兰特,威廉.奥迪克,唐.罗伯茨) 编著
出版:电子工业出版社 2011.6
定价:69.00 元
去豆瓣看看 chapter 1 refactoring, a first example(新增批注共21条)
the starting point
the first step in refactoring
decomposing and redistributing the statement method
replacing the conditional logic on price code with polymorphism
final thoughts
chapter 2 principles in refactoring(新增批注共11条)
defining refactoring
why should you refactor?
when should you refactor?
what do i tell my manager?
problems with refactoring
refactoring and design
refactoring and performance
where did refactoring come from?
chapter 3 bad smells in code (by kent beck and martin fowler)
duplicated code
long method
large class
.long parameter list
divergent change
shotgun surgery
feature envy
data clumps
primitive obsession
switch statements
parallel inheritance hierarchies
lazy class
speculative generality
temporary field
message chains
middle man
inappropriate intimacy
alternative classes with different interfaces
incomplete library class
data class
refused bequest
chapter 4 building tests(新增批注共2条)
the value of self.testing code
the junit testing framework
adding more tests
chapter 5 toward a catalog of refactorings
format of the refactorings
finding references
how mature are these refactorings?
chapter 6 composing methods(新增批注共9条)
extract method
inline method
inline temp
replace temp with query
introduce explaining variable
split temporary variable
remove assignments to parameters
replace method with method object
substitute algorithm
chapter 7 moving features between objects
move method
move field
extract class
inline class
hide delegate
remove middle man
introduce foreign method
introduce local extension
chapter 8 organizing data(新增批注共9条)
self encapsulate field
replace data value with object
change value to reference
change reference to value
replace array with object
duplicate observed data
change unidirectional association to bidirectional
change bidirectional association to unidirectional
replace magic number with symbolic constant
encapsulate field
encapsulate collection
replace record with data class
replace type code with class
replace type code with subclasses
replace type code with state/strategy
replace subclass with fields
chapter 9 simplifying conditional expressions
decompose conditional
consolidate conditional expression
consolidate duplicate conditional fragments
remove contr01 flag
replace nested conditional with guard clauses
replace conditional with polymorphism
introduce null object
introduce assertion
chapter 10 making method calls simpler(新增批注共14条)
rename method
add parameter
remove parameter
separate query from modifier
parameterize method
replace parameter with explicit methods
preserve whole object
replace parameter with method
introduce parameter object
remove setting method
hide method
replace constructor with factory method
encapsulate downcast
replace error code with exception
replace exception with test
chapter 11 dealing with generalization(新增批注共6条)
pull up field
pull up method
pull up constructor body
push down method
push down field
extract subclass
extract superclass
extract interface
collapse hierarchy
form template method
replace inheritance with delegation
replace delegation with inheritance
chapter 12 big refactorings (by kent beck and martin fowler)
tease apart inheritance
convert procedural design to objects
separate domain from presentation
extract hierarchy
chapter 13 refactoring, reuse, and reality (by william opdyke)
a reality check
why are developers reluctant to refactor their programs?
a reality check (revisited)
resources and references for refactoring
implications regarding software reuse and technology transfer
a final note
chapter 14 refactoring tools (by don roberts and john brant)
refactoring with a tool
technical criteria for a refactoring tool
practical criteria for a refactoring tool
wrap up
chapter 15 putting it all together (by kent beck)
list of soundbites
Martin Fowler世界级软件开发大师,在面向对象分析设计、UML、模式、XP和重构等领域都有卓越贡献,曾任著名软件开发咨询公司ThoughtWorks的首席科学家。他的多部著作《分析模式》、《UML精悴》和《企业应用架构模式》等都已经成为脍炙人口的经典。
Martin Fowler等著的《重构:改善既有代码的设计(评注版)》凝聚了软件开发社区专家多年摸索而获得的宝贵经验,拥有不因时光流逝而磨灭的价值。今天,无论是重构本身,业界对重构的理解,还是开发工具对重构的支持力度,都与本书最初出版时不可同日而语,但书中所蕴涵的意味和精华,依然值得反复咀嚼,而且往往能够常读常新。