Management Analysis and Development Strategies for Sympodial Bamboos in China
Study on Sustainable Management Techniques of Sympodial Bamboos
Techniques of Vegetative Propagation for Sympodial Bamboos
The Sowing Property of Controlled Pollinated Seeds and the Growth of Young Seedlings of Dendrocalamus latiflorus
Study on the Optimization of RAPD Conditions of Dendrocalamus latiflorus
RAPD Analysis on Genetic Variation of Bambusa pervariabilis
Bamboo Ecosystem and Carbon.Dioxide Sequestration
Environmental Role of Sympodlal Bamboos
Biodiversity and Conservation Strategy of Sympodial Bamboos (Ⅰ)
Biodiversity and Conservation Strategy of Sympodial Bamboos(Ⅱ)
Current Status and Demand Potential of Market for Bamboo Shoot Products
Good Manufacturing Practice for Bamboo Shoots Factory
Chinas Criteria and Indicators (C & I) for Sustainable Management of Bamboo Forests
Production Technologies, Properties, Uses, and Marketing of Bamboo Charcoal
High Pressure Sap Displacement Used Against Splitting and Insect
A Case Study of Production-to-consumption System of Bamboo Weaving Industry in Xinyi City
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