The present volume aims to represent the chief dramatists of Spain, France, and Germany. Of all Calderon works, Life is a Dream may be regarded as most universal in its theme. It seeks to teach a lesson that may be learned from the philosophers and eternal. The works of Corneille represent most fully the ideal of so-called French classical tragedy. Racine’s creations appeal to modern readers as more warmly human; their speech, if less exalted, is simpler and more natural; and he succeeds more brilliantly with his portraits of women than with those of men. Poulenc better known by his stage name of Molire, stands without a rival at the head of French comedy. The importance of Leeing masterpiece in comedy, works of Minna von Barn helm ,is difficult to exaggerate .It was the beginning of German national drama, Schiller s’lyrical poems were Barnhelm,is difficult to exaggerate. It was the beginning of German national drama, chiller‘s lyrical poems were produced throughout his last period was most prolific both in these and in dramatic composition.
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