作者:(英)莱昴斯 著
出版:外语教学与研究出版社 2000.8
定价:49.90 元
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List of symbols and typographical conventions
Part 1 Setting the scene
1 Metalinguistic pteliminaries
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The meaning of meaning
1.2 The metalanguage of semantics
1.3 Linguistic and non-linguistic semantics
1.4 Language,speech and utterance langue and parole;competenceand performance
1.5 Words :forms and meanings
1.6 Sentences and utterances;text,conversation and siscourse
1.7 Theories of meaning and kinds of meaning
Part 2 Lexical Meaning
2 Words as meanignfufl nuits
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Forms and expressions
2.2 Homonymy and polysemy;lexical and grammatical ambiguity
2.3 Synonymy
2.4 Full and empty word-forms
2.5 Lexical mening and grammatical meaning
3 Defining the meaning of words
4 The structural approach
Part 3 Sentence -meanign
5 Meaningful and meaningless sentences
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Grammaticality, acceptability and meaningfulness
5.2 The meaningfulness of sentences
5.3 Corrigibility and translatability
5.4 Verifiability and verificationism
5.5 Propositions and propositional content
5.6 Non-factual significance and emotivism
5.7 Truth-conditions
5.8 Tautologies and contradictions
6 Sentence-meaning andpropositional content
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Thematic meaning
6.2 Simple and composite sentences
6.3 Truth-functionality (1): conjunction and disjunction
6.4 Truth-functionality (2): implication
6.5 Truth-functionality (3): negation
6.6 Sentence-type, clause-type and mood
6.7 The meaning of interrogative and declarative sentences
6.8 Other kinds of non-declaratives: imperatives,exclamatives, volitives, etc.
7 The formalization of sentence-meaning
7.0 Introduction
7.1 Formal semantics and linguistic semantics
7.2 Compositionality, grammatical and semantic isomorphism, and saving the appearances
7.3 Deep structure and semantic representations
7.4 Projection-rules and selection-restrictions
7.5 Montague grammar
7.6 Possible worlds
Part 4 Utterance -meaning
8 Speech acts and illocutionaryforce
8.0 Introduction
8.1 Utterances
8.2 Locutionary acts
8.3 Illocutionary force
8.4 Statements, questions and directives
9 Text and discourse; context and co-text
9.0 Introduction
9.1 Text-sentences
9.2 What is a text? And what is text?
9.3 Utterance-meaning and context
9.4 Implication and conventional implicatures
9.5 Conversational implicatures
9.6 What is context?
10 The subjectivity of utterance
10.0 Introduction
10.1 Reference
10.2 Indexicality and deixis
10.3 The grammatical category of tense
10.4 The grammatical category of aspect
10.5 Modality, modal expressions and mood
10.6 Subjectivity and locutionary agency
Suggestions for further reading
莱昴斯( John Lyons) is Master of trinity Hall in the University of cambridge. He is a fellow of the British Academy and an Honorary Member of the Linguistic society of America. His many publications include structural semantics (1964).Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics (1968).Chomsky (1970), Semantics (2 vols., 1977). Natural Language and Universal Grammar (wov.1 of his collected essays, 1991),and Linguistic semantics: An Introduction(1995).
Linguistic semantics: An Introducition is the successor to Sir John Lyonss textbook Language, Meaning and conteext(1981).While preserving the general structure of the earlier book. the author has substantially expanded its scope to introduce several topics that were not previously discussed, and to take account of new developments in linguistic semantics over the past decade. The resulting work is an invaluable guide to the subject. offering clarifications of its specialized terms and explaining its relationship to formal and philosophical semantics and to contemporary pragmatics. with its clear and accessible style it will appeal to a wide student readership.