BOOK 1. Varieties in Projective Space
Chapter I. Basic Notions
1. Algebraic Curves in the Plane
1.1. Plane Curves
1.2. Rational Curves
1.3. Relation with Field Theory
1.4. Rational Maps
1.5. Singular and Nonsingular Points
1.6. The Projective Plane
Exercises to 1
2. Closed Subsets of Affine Space
2.1. Definition of Closed Subsets
2.2. Regular Functions on a Closed Subset
2.3. Regular Maps
Exercises to 2
3. Rational Functions
3.1. Irreducible Algebraic Subsets
3.2. Rational Functions
3.3. Rational Maps
Exercises to 3
4 Quasiprojectiove Varieties
4.1 Closied Subsets of Projectiive Space
4.2 Regular Functions
4.3 Rational Functions
4.4 Examples of Regual Maps
Exercises to 4
Chapter Ⅱ Local Properties
Chapter Ⅲ Divisors and Differential Forms
Chapter Ⅳ Intersection Numbers
Algebraic Appendix