Abbreviations of Vonnegut's Works Introduction Vonnegut: A Postmodernist Novelist with
Humanistic Ideas
Chapter 1 Historical and Theoretical Contexts
I. The Historical Context for Vonnegut's Humanism
II. The Theoretical Context for Vonnegut's Postmodemist Innovations
1. The General Scene of the Postmodern Culture
2. Derrida's Theories of Deconstruction
3. Lyotard's Delegitimation
4. Hassan's Aesthetic Characteristics of Postmodemist Art
5. New Historicism
6. Vormegut's Postmodernist Sense of Chaos
Chapter 2 Vonnegut's Deconstruction of the Real World
I. Vonnegut Deconstructs Science and Technology
1. Machine: The Cause of Loneliness of Human Beings
2. Science: The Cause of the Destruction of the Human World
II. Vonnegut Deconstructs the Capitalist Society
1. The Dirty Source and Implications of the Capitalists'Money
2. The Law Only Protects the Capitalist America
3. Capitalism Destroys the Environment and Culture
Chapter 3 Vonnegut's Reconstruction of the Real World
I. Dignity Against Mechanization
II. Kindness Against Warm. Fellowship Against Loneliness
IV. Survive by Ceasing to Be Fully Human
V. The Ways to Adapt to Chaos
1. Black Humor
2. Schizophrenia
3. New Religions
Chapter 4 Vonnegut's Deconstruction of the Fictional World
I. The Development of the Novel from Realism to Modernism and Postmodernism
II. Meta fiction
IV. Vonnegut's Meta fictional Novels
1. Slaughterhouse-Five: A Novel About How to Write ThisNovel
2. Breakfast of Champions: An Anti-Novel
3. Deadeye Dick: The Meta fictional "Plays-Within-the-Play"
IV. The Aesthetic Features of Vonnegut's Deconstruction of the Fictional World
1. Indeterminacy in Meaning and Narration
2. Fragmentation in the Text
3. Decanonization: The Delegitimation of the Grand Narratives
4. Selflessness, Depthlessness: Postmodem Peoplem All Kindsof Machines
5. The Unpresentable, Unrepresentable Subjects
Chapter 5 Vonnegut'S Reconstruction of the FictionalWodd
Chapter 6 Vonnegut'S Tendency Toward New Historicism Conclusion Vonnegut: A New Direction——Constantly Innovatingin Forms to Express Profound Meaning Works Cited Index