Exceptional C++ Style(英文版)

Generic Programming and the C++ Standard Library
1. Uses and Abuses of vector
2. The String Formatters of Manor Farm, Part 1: sprintf
3. The String Formatters of Manor Farm, Part 2:
Standard (or Blindingly Elegant) Alternatives
4. Standard Library Member Functions
5. Flavors of Genericity, Part 1: Covering the Basis [sic]
6. Flavors of Genericity, Part 2: Generic Enough?
7. Why Not Specialize Function Templates?
8. Befriending Templates
9. Export Restrictions, Part 1: Fundamentals
10. Export Restrictions, Part 2: Interactions, Usability Issues, and Guidelines
Exception Safety Issues and Techniques
11. Try and Catch Me
12. Exception Safety: Is It Worth It?
13. A Pragmatic Look at Exception Specifications
Class Design, Inheritance, and Polymorphism
14. Order, Order!
15. Uses and Abuses of Access Rights
16. (Mostly) Private
17. Encapsulation
18. Virtuality
19. Enforcing Rules for Derived Classes
Memory and Resource Management
20. Containers in Memorv,Part 1: Levels of Memory Management
21. Containers in Memory, Part 2: How Big Is It Really?
22. To new, Perchance to throw, Part 1: The Many Faces of new
23. To new, Perchance to throw, Part 2:
Pragmatic Issues in Memory Management
Optimization and Efficiency
24. Constant Optimization?
25. inline Redux
26. Data Formats and Efficiency, Part 1: When Compression Is the Name of the Game
27. Data Formats and Efficiency, Part 2: (Even Less) Bit-Twiddling
Traps, Pitfalls, and Puzzlers
28. Keywords That Arent (or, Comments by Another Name)
29. Is It Initialization?
30. double or Nothing
31. Amok Code
32. Slight Typos? Graphic Language and Other Curiosities
33. Operators, Operators Everywhere
Style Case Studies
34. Index Tables
35. Generic Callbacks
36. Construction Unions
37. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 1: A Look at std::string
38. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 2: Refactoring std::string
39. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 3: $td::$tring Diminishing
40. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 4: std::string Redux
Generic Programming and the C++ Standard Library
1. Uses and Abuses of vector
2. The String Formatters of Manor Farm, Part 1: sprintf
3. The String Formatters of Manor Farm, Part 2:
Standard (or Blindingly Elegant) Alternatives
4. Standard Library Member Functions
5. Flavors of Genericity, Part 1: Covering the Basis [sic]
6. Flavors of Genericity, Part 2: Generic Enough?
7. Why Not Specialize Function Templates?
8. Befriending Templates
9. Export Restrictions, Part 1: Fundamentals
10. Export Restrictions, Part 2: Interactions, Usability Issues, and Guidelines
Exception Safety Issues and Techniques
11. Try and Catch Me
12. Exception Safety: Is It Worth It?
13. A Pragmatic Look at Exception Specifications
Class Design, Inheritance, and Polymorphism
14. Order, Order!
15. Uses and Abuses of Access Rights
16. (Mostly) Private
17. Encapsulation
18. Virtuality
19. Enforcing Rules for Derived Classes
Memory and Resource Management
20. Containers in Memorv,Part 1: Levels of Memory Management
21. Containers in Memory, Part 2: How Big Is It Really?
22. To new, Perchance to throw, Part 1: The Many Faces of new
23. To new, Perchance to throw, Part 2:
Pragmatic Issues in Memory Management
Optimization and Efficiency
24. Constant Optimization?
25. inline Redux
26. Data Formats and Efficiency, Part 1: When Compression Is the Name of the Game
27. Data Formats and Efficiency, Part 2: (Even Less) Bit-Twiddling
Traps, Pitfalls, and Puzzlers
28. Keywords That Arent (or, Comments by Another Name)
29. Is It Initialization?
30. double or Nothing
31. Amok Code
32. Slight Typos? Graphic Language and Other Curiosities
33. Operators, Operators Everywhere
Style Case Studies
34. Index Tables
35. Generic Callbacks
36. Construction Unions
37. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 1: A Look at std::string
38. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 2: Refactoring std::string
39. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 3: $td::$tring Diminishing
40. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 4: std::string Redux
Herb Sutter 是广受赞誉的Exceptional三卷本(《Exceptional C++》、《More Exceptional C++》和《Exceptional C++Style》)的作者,还曾发表了上百篇软件开发方面的技术文章和论文。他是ISO C++标准委员会的主席、《C/c++ Users Journal》的撰稿编辑和专栏作者。同时,他还担任Microsoft Visual C++架构师,负责C++语言在.NET编程环境扩展(C++/CLI)方面的工作。
本书是Herb备受欢迎的Exceptional三卷本的终结篇,也是C++ In-depth系列中的又一力作。
本书是Herb备受欢迎的Exceptional三卷本的终结篇,也是C++ In-depth系列中的又一力作。

