Chapter 1 Engine Thermodynamics and Performance
1.1 Ideal air standard cycles
1.1.1 The ideal air standard Otto cycle
1.1.2 The ideal air standard Diesel cycle
1.1.3 The ideal air standard Dual cycle
1.1.4 Cycle fuel conversion efficiency
1.1.5 Mean effective pressure
1.1.6 Comparison of three basic ideal cycles
1.2 Real cycles of four-stroke engine
1.2.1 Real cycle p-V diagram of four-stroke engine
1.2.2 Comparison with ideal cycles
1.3 Indicated engine performance parameters
1.4 Engine brake performance parameters
1.5 Engine mechanical efriciency and energy balance
1.5.1 Mecharucal efficiency
1.5.2 Engine energy balance
Chapter 2 Engine Gas Exchange Processes
2.1 Inlet and exhaust process in four-stroke engine
2.1.1 Gas exchange process of four-stoke engine
2.1.2 Valve timing
2.2 Volumetric efficiency
2.3 Effect of operating conditions and design on volumetric efficiency
Chapter 3 Turbocharging
3.2 Energy available in the exhaust
3.3 Principle and thermodynamics of exhaust turbochargers
3.3.1 0peration principle and characteristics of radial-flow turbine
3.3.2 0peration principle and characteristics of centrifugal compressor
3.4 Spark igrution engines turbocharging
Chapter 4 Fuels and Chemical Thermodynamics
4.1 Conventional fuels for internal combustion engine
4.1.1 Characteristics of petrol
4.1.2 Characteristics of diesel fuel
4.2 Alternative fuels
4.2.1 Liquid fuels
4.2.2 Gaseous fuels
4.3 Combustion chemistry
4.3.1 Heating value
4.3.2 Combustion equations .N.N
4.3.3 Theoretical air of complete combustion of the fuel
4.3.4 Combustion stoichiometry N
Chapter 5 Combustion in Compression-ignition Engines
5.1 Fuel spay and atomization
5.1.1 Fuelinjection system
5.1.2 Fuel spray and atomization
5.2 Combustion phenomenon in CI engines
5.2.1 Four phases of CI engine combustion
5.2.2 Delay period (or ignition lag) in CI engines
5.2.3 Detonation in the diesel engine ( diesel knock)
5.3 C.I.engine combustion chamber
5.3.1 Direct injection ( DI) chambers
5.3.2 Indirectinjection (IDI) chambers
Chapter 6 Combustion in Spark Igrution Engines
6.1 Introduction to spark ignition engine
6.2 Combustion phenomenon
6.2.1 Normal combustion
Chapter 7 Engine Operating Characteristics
Chapter 8 Engine Emissions and Control