
第一部分 从题源文章到考博阅读真题的改编演示
第二部分 题源报刊分类阅读
Passage OneEmerging Economies: The Great Deceleration 新兴经济体:大减速
Passage TwoLaw of the Lend 借贷的法则
Passage ThreeAmericas JOBS Act Still Not WorkingA law designed to jumpstart businesses cant get off the ground 美国《就业法案》无济于事一项旨在助推企业的法律却空有其名
Passage FourThe Missing $20 Trillion 消失的20万亿美元
Passage FiveIf in Doubt, Innovate 若质疑,则创新
Passage SixAmerica and China: Working Partners 美国与中国:生意伙伴
Passage SevenWhos Afraid of Huawei? 谁在害怕华为?
Passage EightEurope on the Rack 饱受折磨的欧洲
Passage NinePedalling Prosperity 一路骑行,繁花似锦
Passage TenChinese Carmakers 中国的汽车制造商
Passage OneNet Benefits 网络净收益
Passage TwoSelfAwareness with a Simple Brain 简单大脑的自我意识
Passage ThreeEmotional Needs in Teens May Spur the Growth of New Brain Cells青少年的情感需要可能会激发新的脑细胞生长
Passage FourDark Matter 寻寻觅觅暗物质
Passage FiveThe Alibaba Phenomenon 阿里巴巴现象
Passage SixGenetically Modified Tree: Into the Wildwood 天然林基因改良
Passage SevenCold Comfort: Young Women with Cancer Can Freeze an Ovary to Keep Kids in the Picture 冰冻卵巢,年轻患癌女子从此有望生育
Passage EightCan Corals Adapt to Climate Change and Ocean Acidification? 珊瑚能够适应气候变化和海水酸化吗?
Passage NineWhen Will We Be Able to Build Brains Like Ours? 我们何时能造出如人脑一样的大脑?
Passage TenDopamine Determines Impulsive Behavior 多巴胺你的冲动我做主
Passage OneShocks to the Brain Improve Mathematical Abilities 想要提高数学能力刺激刺激大脑
Passage TwoLanguageteaching Firms: Linguists Online 在线语言专家
Passage ThreeHigher Education: Not What It Used to Be 高等教育:今时不同往日
Passage FourTaking the Long View 高瞻远瞩
Passage FiveUniversities: Pile Them High 设立大学,多多益善
Passage SixAre Two Heads Better Than One? It Depends 三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮?不一定
Passage SevenThe Brains of Our Fathers: Does Parenting Rewire Dads? 父亲的大脑:抚育孩子会使父亲的脑细胞重新连线吗?
Passage EightSouth Koreas education System 韩国的教育体制
Passage NineWhy Johnny Cant Name His Colors 为什么宝贝还不会认颜色呢?
Passage TenSouth Africas Education SystemNo One Gets Prizes 南非的教育制度,无人受益
Passage OneThe Lady Who Changed the World 改变世界的女人
Passage TwoDigital Family Trees 数字式家谱
Passage ThreeHow Plausible Are the Proposed Private Mars Missions? 私人火星旅行是否可行?
Passage FourNew Study of Foragers Undermines Claim That War Has Deep Evolutionary Roots 新研究显示战争并不根植于人类的进化过程
Passage FiveSocial Security with Chinese Characteristics 中国特色的社会保障制度
Passage SixFakes and Status in China 中国:假货向左,地位往右
Passage SevenUnreality Television 电视不靠谱
Passage EightThe Modern Matchmakers 现代红娘
Passage NineAnt Tribes and Mortgage Slaves 蚁族与房奴
Passage TenDutchmen Grounded 搁浅的荷兰人
Passage OneThe Neuroscience of Everybodys Favorite TopicWhy do people spend so much time talking about themselves? 热门话题背后的神经科学为什么人类花这么多时间谈论自己
Passage TwoHorn of Scarcity 犀角难再得
Passage ThreeSex,Drugs and Hope 性、药物与希望
Passage FourHow Your Language Affects Your Wealth and Health 语言是如何影响财富和健康的
Passage FiveAfter the Horse Has Been Bolted 挂牛头卖马肉
Passage SixChoice Not Chance 要自主选择,不要听天由命
Passage SevenCan You Be Both Obese and Healthy? 肥胖和健康可以兼得吗?
Passage EightWhy Can Some Blind People Process Speech Far Faster Than Sighted Persons? 为什么盲人比有视力的人能更快地理解言语呢?
Passage NineHow Does a Heat Wave Affect the Human Body? 热浪如何影响人体?
Passage TenLive Long and Prosper: Genetic Factors Associated with Increased Longevity Identified 多福多寿:发现与长寿相关的遗传基因
第三部分 考博英语模拟试题及答案详解
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第二部分 题源报刊分类阅读
Passage OneEmerging Economies: The Great Deceleration 新兴经济体:大减速
Passage TwoLaw of the Lend 借贷的法则
Passage ThreeAmericas JOBS Act Still Not WorkingA law designed to jumpstart businesses cant get off the ground 美国《就业法案》无济于事一项旨在助推企业的法律却空有其名
Passage FourThe Missing $20 Trillion 消失的20万亿美元
Passage FiveIf in Doubt, Innovate 若质疑,则创新
Passage SixAmerica and China: Working Partners 美国与中国:生意伙伴
Passage SevenWhos Afraid of Huawei? 谁在害怕华为?
Passage EightEurope on the Rack 饱受折磨的欧洲
Passage NinePedalling Prosperity 一路骑行,繁花似锦
Passage TenChinese Carmakers 中国的汽车制造商
Passage OneNet Benefits 网络净收益
Passage TwoSelfAwareness with a Simple Brain 简单大脑的自我意识
Passage ThreeEmotional Needs in Teens May Spur the Growth of New Brain Cells青少年的情感需要可能会激发新的脑细胞生长
Passage FourDark Matter 寻寻觅觅暗物质
Passage FiveThe Alibaba Phenomenon 阿里巴巴现象
Passage SixGenetically Modified Tree: Into the Wildwood 天然林基因改良
Passage SevenCold Comfort: Young Women with Cancer Can Freeze an Ovary to Keep Kids in the Picture 冰冻卵巢,年轻患癌女子从此有望生育
Passage EightCan Corals Adapt to Climate Change and Ocean Acidification? 珊瑚能够适应气候变化和海水酸化吗?
Passage NineWhen Will We Be Able to Build Brains Like Ours? 我们何时能造出如人脑一样的大脑?
Passage TenDopamine Determines Impulsive Behavior 多巴胺你的冲动我做主
Passage OneShocks to the Brain Improve Mathematical Abilities 想要提高数学能力刺激刺激大脑
Passage TwoLanguageteaching Firms: Linguists Online 在线语言专家
Passage ThreeHigher Education: Not What It Used to Be 高等教育:今时不同往日
Passage FourTaking the Long View 高瞻远瞩
Passage FiveUniversities: Pile Them High 设立大学,多多益善
Passage SixAre Two Heads Better Than One? It Depends 三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮?不一定
Passage SevenThe Brains of Our Fathers: Does Parenting Rewire Dads? 父亲的大脑:抚育孩子会使父亲的脑细胞重新连线吗?
Passage EightSouth Koreas education System 韩国的教育体制
Passage NineWhy Johnny Cant Name His Colors 为什么宝贝还不会认颜色呢?
Passage TenSouth Africas Education SystemNo One Gets Prizes 南非的教育制度,无人受益
Passage OneThe Lady Who Changed the World 改变世界的女人
Passage TwoDigital Family Trees 数字式家谱
Passage ThreeHow Plausible Are the Proposed Private Mars Missions? 私人火星旅行是否可行?
Passage FourNew Study of Foragers Undermines Claim That War Has Deep Evolutionary Roots 新研究显示战争并不根植于人类的进化过程
Passage FiveSocial Security with Chinese Characteristics 中国特色的社会保障制度
Passage SixFakes and Status in China 中国:假货向左,地位往右
Passage SevenUnreality Television 电视不靠谱
Passage EightThe Modern Matchmakers 现代红娘
Passage NineAnt Tribes and Mortgage Slaves 蚁族与房奴
Passage TenDutchmen Grounded 搁浅的荷兰人
Passage OneThe Neuroscience of Everybodys Favorite TopicWhy do people spend so much time talking about themselves? 热门话题背后的神经科学为什么人类花这么多时间谈论自己
Passage TwoHorn of Scarcity 犀角难再得
Passage ThreeSex,Drugs and Hope 性、药物与希望
Passage FourHow Your Language Affects Your Wealth and Health 语言是如何影响财富和健康的
Passage FiveAfter the Horse Has Been Bolted 挂牛头卖马肉
Passage SixChoice Not Chance 要自主选择,不要听天由命
Passage SevenCan You Be Both Obese and Healthy? 肥胖和健康可以兼得吗?
Passage EightWhy Can Some Blind People Process Speech Far Faster Than Sighted Persons? 为什么盲人比有视力的人能更快地理解言语呢?
Passage NineHow Does a Heat Wave Affect the Human Body? 热浪如何影响人体?
Passage TenLive Long and Prosper: Genetic Factors Associated with Increased Longevity Identified 多福多寿:发现与长寿相关的遗传基因
第三部分 考博英语模拟试题及答案详解
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