作者:陆道夫,曾必好 著
出版:暨南大学出版社 版本:2
定价:48.00 元
去豆瓣看看 Foreword (总序)
Preface (前言)
The Ancient Times (古代篇)
Unit One:The Discovery of the Minds in Ancient Greece
3.Plato:The Republic
Unit Two:The Power and Authority in Ancient Rome
4.Thucydides:History of the Pelopnnesian War
5. Marcus Aurelius:The Meditations
Unit Three: The Church and Religion in the Middle Ages
6. The Holy Bible
7. St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologica
The Modern Times (近代篇)
Unit Four: The Rise of Humanism in Renaissance and Reformation
8. Nicolo Machiavelli: The Prince
9. Martin Luther: A Treatise on Christian Liberty
Unit Five: New Dimensions of the Mind from the Enlightenment
10. Isaac Newton: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
11. Rene Descartes: Discourse on the Method
12. John Locke: Of Civil Government
13. Immanuel Kant: What Is Enlightenment?
14. Charles de Montesquieu: The Spirit of Laws
15. Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emile, or, on Education
Unit Six:The New Thoughts Movement in the 19th Century
16.Adam Smith:The Wealth of Nations
17.Friedrich Nietzsche:The Birth of Tragedy
18.Charles Darwin:On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
19.Tocqueville:Democracy in America
20.John Henry Newman:The Idea of a University
21. Max Weber: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
22. Sigmund Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams
The Present Times (当代篇)
Unit Seven: Hybridity of Global Multiculture in the 20th Century
23. Simone de Beauvoir: The Second Sex
24. Jean-Paul Sartre: Being and Nothingness
25. Fredric Jameson: Postmodemism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism
26. Michel Foucault: Madness and Civilization
27. Marshall McLuhan: Understanding Media--The Extension of Man
28. Alvin Toffler: The Third Wave
Appendix (附录)
References (参考文献)
陆道夫,安徽六安人,英语与比较文学教授,文学博士,曾在加拿大多伦多大学留学、师从北美著名学者Linda Hutcheon教授。研修美国当代小说与比较文学。现任广州大学卫斯理安学院美国文化中心常务副主任,广州大学外国语学院硕士生导师,学术成果主要有《英语专业学士论文写作教程》、《英美经典短篇小说阅读教程》、《亚文化:风格的意义》、《西方民俗传说辞典》、《西方女性媒介文化研究》等。 曾必好,安徽六安人,文学博士。英语语言文学副教授。曾在英国桑德兰大学留学获文学硕士学位,现任皖西学院外国语学院副院长兼国际教育交流中心副主任,安徽省外国语言文学学会理事。发表论文近20篇,出版学术著作1部,主编和参编教材3部,主持或参与省、部级课题8项。三次获得省级教学成果奖。代表成果有《汉英广告语篇中的预设研究》和《英语基础写作教程》等。