
This newly published English edition contains 4 fulllength novels and all 56 short stories featuring Sherlock Holmes at over a thousand pages.
Rivers of ink have flowed since 1887, when Sherlock Holmes was first introduced to the world, in an adventure entitled A Study in Scarlet. Most of the great detective's fans know him so well, that they feel they have actually met him. It would therefore be presumptuous to try and define him here, as his many friends and admirers may each have very different views about this legendary personage.
For those who have not made-up their minds, it might be useful if they read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Autobiography, Memories and Adventures. They will undoubtedly come away with the notion that Sherlock Holmes resembles in many ways Dr. Joseph Bell, one of the teachers at the medical school of Edinburgh University…
“英国侦探小说之父” 柯南·道尔创作的《夏洛克·福尔摩斯全集》可谓是开辟了侦探小说的不朽经典,一百多年来被译成57种文字,畅销世界各地。福尔摩斯更是成了名侦探的代名词,他与华生的搭档组合,都对后世的侦探小说有着极其深远的影响。在此书问世100年后,英国皇室决定授予小说同名主人公大侦探福尔摩斯以爵士爵位。英皇授爵的条件是苛刻而严肃的,却破天荒授给一个书上的虚构人物。可见,柯南·道尔100年前的著作有着多么深远的影响和重要意义。
Rivers of ink have flowed since 1887, when Sherlock Holmes was first introduced to the world, in an adventure entitled A Study in Scarlet. Most of the great detective's fans know him so well, that they feel they have actually met him. It would therefore be presumptuous to try and define him here, as his many friends and admirers may each have very different views about this legendary personage.
For those who have not made-up their minds, it might be useful if they read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Autobiography, Memories and Adventures. They will undoubtedly come away with the notion that Sherlock Holmes resembles in many ways Dr. Joseph Bell, one of the teachers at the medical school of Edinburgh University…
“英国侦探小说之父” 柯南·道尔创作的《夏洛克·福尔摩斯全集》可谓是开辟了侦探小说的不朽经典,一百多年来被译成57种文字,畅销世界各地。福尔摩斯更是成了名侦探的代名词,他与华生的搭档组合,都对后世的侦探小说有着极其深远的影响。在此书问世100年后,英国皇室决定授予小说同名主人公大侦探福尔摩斯以爵士爵位。英皇授爵的条件是苛刻而严肃的,却破天荒授给一个书上的虚构人物。可见,柯南·道尔100年前的著作有着多么深远的影响和重要意义。