目 录内容简介
民主政治是人类社会进入工业化时代后政治发展的普遍趋势。中国正处于实现工业化、现代化的历史进程之中。民主政治是中国工业化、现代化发展的必然产物,为当代中国社会发展所需要。探索和建立适应时代需要、适合中国国情、符合发展要求的民主政治,将为中国的工业化、现代化发展提供政治保证。 中国的民主有与其他国家的民主相通的地方,也有与其他国家的不同之处。本书论述了在追求民族独立、国家富强和社会进步的长期奋斗和探索中,中国民主建设取得的有自己特色的重要经验,它是一种体现民主基本价值和普遍原则又具有中国特色的民主制度,是一条有中国特色的民主道路。 Democratic politics has been the trend of political development since the human society entered the industrial era. China is in the historical process of achieving industrialization and modernization. Democratic politics is the inevitable product of China's industrialization and modernization which is necessary to the development of China's current society. It will provide a political guarantee for China's industrialization and modernization,to explore and establish the democratic politics which is suitable for China's national conditions and the need of development .There are both similarities and differences between China's democracy and that of other countries'. In this book, the author talks about China's important experience of democracy construction with Chinese characteristics, which is achieved during the long-run struggle and exploration for national independence, country's prosperity and social development. The democracy system embodies basic values and universal principles of democracy with Chinese characteristics.