Section I Motor Vehicle Basics
Chapter 1 Introduction of Motor Vehicles
1.1 Definition of Motor Vehicles
1.2 Parts and Systems of Motor Vehicles
1.2.1 Basic Parts and Systems
1.3 Motor Vehicles and Society
1.3.1 Promoting the Development of Social Economy
1.3.2 Accelerating the Road Transportation
1.3.3 Improving the Quality of Life
1.3.4 Influencing Ecological Environment
1.3.5 Building Harmony of Motor Vehicles and Society
Reading Material
Chapter 2 Classification of Motor Vehicles
2.1 Functions
2.1.4 Trucks
2.1.7 Racing Cars
2.1.8 Vehicles for Special Transportation
2.1.9 Vehicles for Special Work
2.1.10 Agricultural Vehicles
2.3 Body Types
2.3.1 Sedans
2.3.2 Hardtops
2.3.3 Hatchbacks
2.3.4 Convertibles
2.3.5 Vans
2.3.6 Station Wagons
2.3.7 Sport Utility Vehicles
2.3.8 Pickup Trucks
Reading Material
Section n Motor Vehicle Development
Chapter 3 History of Motor Vehicles
3.1 History of Foreign Automobiles
3.1.1 Steam Powered Vehicles
3.1.2 Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles
3.2 History of Chinese Automobiles
3.3 Progress of Motor Vehicles
Chapter 4 Future of Motor Vehicles
4.1 Lightweight Light Weight
4.1.2 Plastic and Polymers
4.1.3 Composite Materials
4.2 Intelligence Smart Vehides
4.2.1 Safety Technologies
4.2.2 Automatic Technologies
4.3.1 Design of Structures
4.3.2 Diversity for Fuels
4.4.1 Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Section m Motor Vehicle Culture
Chapter 5 Notabilities of Motor Vehicles
5.1 Nicolaus August Otto
5.1.1 0tto's First Engine
5.1.2 Partnership with Langen
5.1.3 The Four-Stroke Engine