致秋月 To the Autumnal Moon
温柔的容态 The Gentle Look
一个幼童的墓志铭 Epitaph on an Infant
在美洲建立大同邦的展望 On the Prospect of Establishing a Pantisocracy in America
风瑟 The Eolian Harp
十四行 Sonnet
题一位女士的画像 Lines on a Portrait of a Lady
这椴树凉亭——我的牢房 This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison
老水手行 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
克丽斯德蓓 Christabel
烈火、饥馑与屠杀 Fire, Famine, and Slaughter
午夜寒霜 Frost at Midnight
咏法兰西 France: An Ode
柳蒂 Lewti
孤独中的忧思 Fears in Solitude
夜莺 The Nightingale
黑女郎 The Ballad of the Dark Ladié
忽必烈汗 Kubla Khan
幼稚却很自然的心事 Something Childish, but Very Natural
乡愁 Home-Sick
爱 Love
瞻望坎伯兰郡马鞍峰断想 A Thought Suggested by a View of Saddleback in Cumberland
歌星 On a Volunteer Singer
失意吟 Dejection: An Ode
日出之前的赞歌,于沙莫尼山谷 Hymn before Sun-Rise, in the Vale of Chamouni
换心 The Exchange
爱神瞎眼的缘由 Reason for Love’s Blindness
云乡幻想 Fancy in Nubibus
致自然 To Nature
青春和老境 Youth and Age
爱情的初次来临 First Advent of Love
无所希望的劳作 Work without Hope
歌 Song