Michael Alram (Austria)Coinage and History: From the Greco-Bactrian Kings to the Kushan / 001余太山 Yu Taishan (China)寄多羅貴霜的若干問題 (Some Problems regarding the Kidarite Kushans) / 014Christopher P. Atwood (USA)The Qai, the Khongai, and the Names of the Xiōngnú / 035Aleksander Paroń (Poland)The Greed of the Nomads: Literary Topes and Reality / 064Mehmet ?lmez (Turkey)What Should A New Edition of the Old Turkic Inscriptions Look Like? / 080孫昊 Sun Hao (China)三十部女真覆議 [A Re-examination of the Jurchen Sanshi-bu (Thirty Surnames)] / 094Marek Jan Olbrycht (Poland)Parthian Cities and Strongholds in Turkmenistan / 117陳凌 Chen Ling (China)中國境內祆教相關遺存考略(之一)(Studies on Zoroastrian Relics in Ancient China) / 126Kubatbek Tabaldyev (Kyrgyzstan)The Turkic Culture of the Inner Tianshan: The Latest Information / 158E. A. Smagulov (Kazakhstan)Religious Buildings and Structures in the Ancient City of Sidak (Southern Kazakhstan) / 169陳三平 梅維恒 Chen Sanping, Victor H. Mair (USA)史思明的名字小議(A Note on the Name of Shi Siming) / 199……