
Chapter 1 行前事宜Unit 1 订机票 Booking Flights / 4Unit 2 申请文件 Documents for Application / 7Unit 3 健康检查 A Health Check / 10Unit 4 询问师长 Talking to a Professor / 13Unit 5 行李打包 Packing Up / 16Unit 6 飞机上 On Board / 19Unit 7 过海关 Going through Customs / 22Unit 8 转机 Transferring Flights / 25Chapter 2 宿舍与租屋Unit 1 新生报到 Student Check-in / 32Unit 2 宿舍规定 Dorm Rules / 35Unit 3 宿舍设施 Dorm Facilities / 38Unit 4 与舍友见面 Meeting Dormmates / 41Unit 5 抱怨 Complaints / 44Unit 6 宿舍突发状况 Dorm Emergencies / 47Unit 7 校外住所 Off-campus Accommodation / 50Unit 8 与房东约看房 An Appointment with a Landlord / 53Unit 9 签署租约 Signing a Rental Lease / 56Unit 10 家务 Housework / 59Chapter 3 留学生活Unit 1 迎新会 Student Orientation / 66Unit 2 课程 Course Offerings / 69Unit 3 选课与退选 Adding and Dropping Classes / 71Unit 4 出席率 Class Attendance / 74Unit 5 成绩管理规定 Grading Policies and Regulations / 77Unit 6 远程教学 Distance Learning / 80Unit 7 双学位及双专业 Dual Degrees and Double Majors / 83Unit 8 成绩单 Talking about Grades / 86Unit 9 评量课程及教授 Assessing Courses and Professors / 89Chapter 4 求学大小事Unit 1 到处走,不迷路 Getting Around withoutGetting Lost / 96Unit 2 成立读书会 Organizing a Study Group / 98Unit 3 谈论考试 Talking about Exams / 101Unit 4 团体讨论 Group Discussion / 104Unit 5 去图书馆 Going to the Library / 107Unit 6 图书馆设施 Library Facilities / 110Unit 7 图书馆资料查询 How to Find Information in theLibrary / 113Unit 8 使用复印机 Using a Copy Machine / 116Unit 9 数字、表格及图表的应用 Using Figures, Tables,and Graphs / 119Unit 10 办公室时间 Office Hours / 122Unit 11 学生窘境 Student Dilemmas / 125Chapter 5 校园活动Unit 1 社团与活动 Clubs & Activities / 132Unit 2 校内外饮食 On- and Off-campus Dining / 135Unit 3 校内打工 Part-time Jobs on Campus / 138Unit 4 想家与文化冲击 Homesickness and Culture Shock / 141Unit 5 医务室 At the Infirmary / 144Unit 6 交通工具 Transportation / 147Unit 7 暑期计划 Summer Plans / 150Unit 8 失物招领 Lost and Found / 153Unit 9 学生活动中心 At the Student Union / 156Chapter 6 校外生活Unit 1 银行开户 At the Bank / 162Unit 2 洗衣服 Doing the Laundry / 165Unit 3 超市 At the Supermarket / 169Unit 4 邮局 At the Post Office / 172Unit 5 举办派对 Throwing a Party / 175Unit 6 看电影 Going to the Movies / 178Unit 7 运动健身 Working Out / 181Unit 8 男女约会 Dating / 184Unit 9 买衣服 Clothes Shopping / 187Unit 10 上餐馆 Eating at a Restaurant / 190Unit 11 跳蚤市场 Shopping at a Flea Market / 193Unit 12 去游乐园玩 Visiting an Amusement Park / 196Unit 13 税务事宜 Tax Returns / 199Chapter 7 毕业与就业Unit 1 毕业典礼 Graduation Ceremony / 206Unit 2 实习 Internship / 209Unit 3 招聘会 At a Job Fair / 212Unit 4 工作面试 Job Interview / 215Chapter 8 相关文件Unit 1 入学推荐信范例 A Sample Letter of Recommendation / 220Unit 2 入学通知范例 A Sample Admission Letter / 224Unit 3 履历表范例 A Sample Résumé / 227

