
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Types of Instability 1
1.2 Methods of Stability Analysis 6
1.3 Stability of Perfect Mechanical Models 8
1.4 Stability of Imperfect Mechanical Models 18
1.5 Stability of Snap-Through Mechanical Model 22
1.6 Mechanical Properties of Structural Steel 26
1.7 Residual Stress Distributions in Steel Members 32
1.8 Behavior and Steel Structure Design 36
Problem 49
References 51
Chapter 2 Flexural Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 55
2.1 Introduction 55
2.2 Elastic Flexural Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 56
2.3 Centrally Compressed Members with End Restrain 57
2.4 Effective Length Factors of Centrally Compressed Members 64
2.5 Elastic Large Deflection Analysis of Centrally Compressed Members 80
2.6 Effect of Initial Geometrical Imperfections on Centrally Compressed Members 84
2.7 Inelastic Flexural Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 90
2.8 Effect of Residual Stresses on Centrally Compressed Members 99
2.9 Application of Stability Theory of Centrally Compressed
Members on Steel Structure Design 105
Problems 131
References 133
Chapter 3 In-Plane Stability of Beam-Columns 136
3.1 Introduction 136
3.2 Deformations and Internal Forces of Simply Supported Elastic
Beam-Columns under Transverse Loads 138
3.3 Deformations and Internal Forces of Fixed Ended Elastic Beam-Columns
under Transverse Loads 146
3.4 Deformations and Internal Forces of Elastic Beam-Column under
end Moments 151
3.5 Equivalent Moment and Equivalent Moment Factor of Beam-Column 155
3.6 Slope-Deflection Equations of Elastic Beam-Column without Sway 159
3.7 Slope-Deflection Equations of Elastic Beam-Column with Sway 163
3.8 Slope-Deflection Equations of Elastic Beam-Column under Transverse Loads 164
3.9 In-Plane Ultimate Load of Beam-Column 167
3.10 Application of In-Plane Stability Theory of Beam-Columns on
Steel Structure Design 181
3.11 Further Investigations of In-Plane Strength of Non-Sway Beam-Columns 202
Problems 209
References 210
Chapter 4 In-Plane Stability of Frames 213
4.1 Types of Instability of Frames 213
4.2 Elastic Buckling Loads of Frames by Equilibrium Method 216
4.3 Elastic Buckling Loads of Frames by Slope-Deflection Method 220
4.4 Elastic Buckling of Multi-Story Frames 228
4.5 Elastic Buckling Loads of Multistory Frames by Approximate Method 230
4.6 Stability of Frames under Primary Bending Moment 243
4.7 Elastic-Plastic Stability of Frames 249
4.8 Ultimate Loads of Sway Frames 251
4.9 Application of Stability Theory of Frames on Steel Structure Design 268
4.10 Overall Design Method of In-Plane Stability of Frame—Direct
Analysis (Advanced Analysis) Method 300
4.11 Moment Rotation Curves of Beam-to-Column Connections
and Design of Semi-Rigid Frames 318
4.12 Overall In-Plane Buckling of Single-Story Multi-Bay Pitched-Roof Frames 359
Problems 365
References 367
Chapter 5 Approximate Methods of Stability Analysis 372
5.1 Introduction 372
5.2 Principle of Energy Conservation 373
5.3 Principle of Stationary Value of Potential Energy and Principle
of Minimum Potential Energy 377
5.4 Rayleigh-Ritz Method 383
5.5 Galerkin Method 387
5.6 Finite Difference Method 389
5.7 Finite Integral Method 395
5.8 Finite Element Method 402
5.9 Using Finite Element Method to Determine Effective Length
Factors of The Unbraced Tapered Portal Framed Column 414
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Types of Instability 1
1.2 Methods of Stability Analysis 6
1.3 Stability of Perfect Mechanical Models 8
1.4 Stability of Imperfect Mechanical Models 18
1.5 Stability of Snap-Through Mechanical Model 22
1.6 Mechanical Properties of Structural Steel 26
1.7 Residual Stress Distributions in Steel Members 32
1.8 Behavior and Steel Structure Design 36
Problem 49
References 51
Chapter 2 Flexural Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 55
2.1 Introduction 55
2.2 Elastic Flexural Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 56
2.3 Centrally Compressed Members with End Restrain 57
2.4 Effective Length Factors of Centrally Compressed Members 64
2.5 Elastic Large Deflection Analysis of Centrally Compressed Members 80
2.6 Effect of Initial Geometrical Imperfections on Centrally Compressed Members 84
2.7 Inelastic Flexural Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 90
2.8 Effect of Residual Stresses on Centrally Compressed Members 99
2.9 Application of Stability Theory of Centrally Compressed
Members on Steel Structure Design 105
Problems 131
References 133
Chapter 3 In-Plane Stability of Beam-Columns 136
3.1 Introduction 136
3.2 Deformations and Internal Forces of Simply Supported Elastic
Beam-Columns under Transverse Loads 138
3.3 Deformations and Internal Forces of Fixed Ended Elastic Beam-Columns
under Transverse Loads 146
3.4 Deformations and Internal Forces of Elastic Beam-Column under
end Moments 151
3.5 Equivalent Moment and Equivalent Moment Factor of Beam-Column 155
3.6 Slope-Deflection Equations of Elastic Beam-Column without Sway 159
3.7 Slope-Deflection Equations of Elastic Beam-Column with Sway 163
3.8 Slope-Deflection Equations of Elastic Beam-Column under Transverse Loads 164
3.9 In-Plane Ultimate Load of Beam-Column 167
3.10 Application of In-Plane Stability Theory of Beam-Columns on
Steel Structure Design 181
3.11 Further Investigations of In-Plane Strength of Non-Sway Beam-Columns 202
Problems 209
References 210
Chapter 4 In-Plane Stability of Frames 213
4.1 Types of Instability of Frames 213
4.2 Elastic Buckling Loads of Frames by Equilibrium Method 216
4.3 Elastic Buckling Loads of Frames by Slope-Deflection Method 220
4.4 Elastic Buckling of Multi-Story Frames 228
4.5 Elastic Buckling Loads of Multistory Frames by Approximate Method 230
4.6 Stability of Frames under Primary Bending Moment 243
4.7 Elastic-Plastic Stability of Frames 249
4.8 Ultimate Loads of Sway Frames 251
4.9 Application of Stability Theory of Frames on Steel Structure Design 268
4.10 Overall Design Method of In-Plane Stability of Frame—Direct
Analysis (Advanced Analysis) Method 300
4.11 Moment Rotation Curves of Beam-to-Column Connections
and Design of Semi-Rigid Frames 318
4.12 Overall In-Plane Buckling of Single-Story Multi-Bay Pitched-Roof Frames 359
Problems 365
References 367
Chapter 5 Approximate Methods of Stability Analysis 372
5.1 Introduction 372
5.2 Principle of Energy Conservation 373
5.3 Principle of Stationary Value of Potential Energy and Principle
of Minimum Potential Energy 377
5.4 Rayleigh-Ritz Method 383
5.5 Galerkin Method 387
5.6 Finite Difference Method 389
5.7 Finite Integral Method 395
5.8 Finite Element Method 402
5.9 Using Finite Element Method to Determine Effective Length
Factors of The Unbraced Tapered Portal Framed Column 414
陈骥,西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,教授主要教学经历(授课名称、授课对象等):1. 为建筑学和工建专业讲授钢结构稳定理论与设计2. 为原建工学校和本校工建专业硕士和博士研究生讲授钢结构稳定理论指导硕士和博士研究生的毕业论文曾经编写的教材或专著情况(著作名称、出版时间、出版单位等):1.”钢结构构件计算”1978年6月,与蒋焕南合编,由中国建筑工业出版社,先后出版三版2. 1991年参与编写由Beedle, L. S.主编的”Stability of Metal Structures –A world Vie w “中第2章”Built-Up-Members”3.1991年6月参与由陈绍蕃教授主编的”钢结构”中的第四章和第六章,由中国建筑工业出版社,先后出版两版4. 1994年9月本人编著,由科学技术文献出版社出版的”钢结构稳定理论与应用”5. 2001年2月本人编著,由科学出版社出版”钢结构稳定理论与设计”先后出六版,即将出第七版6.与陈浩军教授合编”STABILITY OF STEEL STRUCTURES-THEORY AND DESIGN, 钢结构稳定理论与设计”这是陈浩军教授在日本作为访问学者时, 将中文稿翻译成了英文, 2010年3月由电力出版社出版7. 2014年9月本人编著,由科学出版社出版的”薄壁构件的弹性与弹塑性弯曲与扭转简明教程,Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Bending and Torsion of Thin-Walled Members”8. 2014年9月本人编著,由科学出版社出版的”TORSIONAL ANALYSIS OF STEEL STRUCTURAL THEORY AND DESIGN (钢结构构件的扭转分析-理论与设计)”

