Chapter 1. Fourier Series and Integrals
§1. Fourier coefficients and series
§2. Criteria for pointwise convergence
§3. Fourier series of continuous functions
§4. Convergence in norm
§5. Summability methods
§6. The Fourier transform of L1 functions
§7. The Schwartz class and tempered distributions
§8. The Fourier transform on Lp, 1 < p < 2
§9. The convergence and summability of Fourier integrals
§10. Notes and further results
Chapter 2. The Hardy-Littlewood Maximal Function
§1. Approximations of the identity
§2. Weak-type inequalities and almost everywhere convergence
§3. The Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem
§4. The Hardy-Littlewood maximal function
§5. The dyadic maximal function
§6. The weak (1, 1) inequality for the maximal function
§7. A weighted norm inequality
§8. Notes and further results
Chapter 3. The Hilbert Transform
§1. The conjugate Poisson kernel
§2. The principal value of 1/x
§3. The theorems of M. Riesz and Kolmogorov
§4. Truncated integrals and pointwise convergence
§5. Multipliers
§6. Notes and further results
Chapter 4. Singular Integrals (I)
§1. Definition and examples
§2. The Fourier transform of the kernel
§3. The method of rotations
§4. Singular integrals with even kernel
§5. An operator algebra
§6. Singular integrals with variable kernel
§7. Notes and further results
Chapter 5. Singular Integrals (II)
§1. The Calderon-Zygmund theorem
§2. Truncated integrals and the principal value
§3. Generalized Calderon-Zygmund operators
§4. CalderSn-Zygmund singular integrals
§5. A vector-valued extension
§6. Notes and further results
Chapter 6. H1 and BMO
§1. The space atomic H1
§2. The space BMO
§3. An interpolation result
§4. The John-Nirenberg inequality
§5. Notes and further results
Chapter 7. Weighted Inequalities
§1. The Ap condition
§2. Strong-type inequalities with weights
§3. A1 weights and an extrapolation theorem
§4. Weighted inequalities for singular integrals
§5. Notes and further results
Chapter 8. Littlewood-Paley Theory and Multipliers
§1. Some vector-valued inequalities
§2. Littlewood-Paley theory
§3. The HSrmander multiplier theorem
§4. The Marcinkiewicz multiplier theorem
§5. Bochner-Riesz multipliers
§6. Return to singular integrals
§7. The maximal function and the Hilbert transform along a parabola
§8. Notes and further results
Chapter 9. The T1 Theorem
§1. Cotlar's lemma
§2. Carleson measures
§3. Statement and applications of the T1 theorem
§4. Proof of the T1 theorem
§5. Notes and further results