
Chapte1 商务合作
001 Making Telephone Appointments 电话预约 .............. 004
002 Receiving Clients 接待客户........................................ 007
003 Company Pofile 公司概况.......................................... 011
004 Estalishment of Tade Relations 建立贸易联系...... 014
005 Intoducing New Poducts 介绍新产品..................... 017
006 Enquiies Made y the Buye 买方询盘..................... 020
007 Offes Made y the Selle 卖方报盘 ...................... 023
008 Odeing Goods 订货................................................ 026
009 Signing a Contact 签合同......................................... 029
010 Type of Payment 付款方式 ........................................ 032
011 Goods Packing 货物包装 ............................................ 035
012 Insuance Chages 保险费用 .................................... 039
013 Expediting Delivey 催促发货 ................................... 042
014 Quality Inspection 质量检验 .................................... 046
015 Making a Complaint 提出投诉 .................................... 049
016 Accepting Claims 接受索赔 ....................................... 052
Chapte2 商务出行
017 Aanging Business Tips 安排差旅 .......................... 058
018 Booking Ailine Tickets 预订机票.............................. 062
019 Customs Inspection 海关检查.................................... 067
020 Flight Delay 航班延误............................................... 071
021 On the Plane 飞机上.................................................. 074
022 Checking In 入住宾馆................................................ 077
023 Visiting Clients 拜访客户 .......................................... 080
024 Visiting the Factoy 参观工厂 .................................. 083
025 Attending a Banquet 参加宴会 ................................. 086
026 Maket Reseach 市场调查 ...................................... 089
027 Going out fo Puchasing 外出采购 .......................... 092
028 At the Tade Fai 在交易会上 ................................. 096
029 Checking Out 结账退房 ............................................ 101
030 Retun 返程 .............................................................. 105
Chapte3 商务会议
031 Office Facility 办公设备 ........................................... 110
032 Meeting Notice 会议通知 ......................................... 113
033 Paticipation in Discussion 积极讨论 ........................ 117
034 Meeting Aangement 会议安排 ............................... 120
035 Meeting Minutes 会议纪要 ....................................... 123
036 Meeting Agenda 会议议程 ........................................ 126
037 Concluding the Meeting 结束会议 ............................ 130
038 Cancelling the Meeting 取消会议 ............................. 134
039 Pepaations fo an Exhiition 筹备展会 ................. 137
040 Sales Taget 销售目标 ............................................. 140
041 New Poduct Release Confeence 新品发布会 .......... 144
042 Meeting Postponed 推迟开会 ................................... 147
043 Asent fom the Meeting 缺席会议 ......................... 150
044 Telephone Message 电话留言 ................................... 153
Chapte4 商务谈判
045 Making a Schedule 日程安排 .................................... 158
046 Compensation Tade 补偿贸易 ................................. 162
047 Joint Ventue 合资经营 ........................................... 166
048 Technology Tansfe 技术转让 ................................ 169
049 Business Agency 商务代理 ........................................ 173
050 Negotiating Commission 洽谈佣金 ............................ 176
051 Negotiation on Pice 价格谈判 .................................. 179
052 Negotiating Discount 洽谈折扣 ................................ 182
053 Making Compomises 妥协让步 ................................. 186
054 Tademak Registation 商标注册 ........................... 189
Chapte1 商务书信
001 The Components of Business Lettes
商务书信的构成要素 ................................................... 196
002 Making an Appointment 预约 ................................... 198
003 Confiming the Appointment 确定约见 ..................... 199
004 Intoducing New Poducts 介绍新产品 .................... 200
005 Poduct Pomotion 产品促销 ...................................... 201
006 The Buye Inquiy 买方询价 .................................... 202
007 Selling Offe 卖方报价 ............................................ 204
008 Declining the Counte Offe 拒绝还盘 .................... 206
009 Placing a Tial Ode 试订 ....................................... 207
010 Odeing Goods 订购 ................................................ 208
011 Packaging Requiements 包装要求 ............................ 209
012 Shipping Advice 装船通知 ......................................... 210
013 Shipping Notification 出货通知 ................................ 211
014 Uging Payment 催促付款 ........................................... 212
015 Reply to Pessing fo Payment 催款回复 .................. 213
016 Requesting Defeed Payment 请求延期付款............ 214
017 Incoect Invoice 发票错误 ...................................... 215
018 Complaint 投诉 .......................................................... 216
019 Retuning of Goods 退货 .......................................... 217
020 Making up fo the Losses 弥补对方损失 .................. 218
021 Claim fo Compensation 索赔 .................................... 220
022 Acceptance of Claims 接受索赔 ............................... 221
023 Asking fo Sole Agency 请求担任独家代理 .............. 222
024 Refusing the Request fo a Sole Agency
拒绝担任独家代理 ...................................................... 223
025 Thanking Customes 感谢客户 ................................... 224
026 Congatulations on Stating Business 恭贺开业 ........ 225
027 Thanks fo Recommendation 感谢推荐 ...................... 226
028 Talent Recommendation 人才推荐 ............................. 227
029 Thanks fo Hospitality 感谢盛情款待 ........................ 228
030 Intoduced into Relationship 关系引介 ..................... 229
031 Paty Invitations 聚会邀请 ......................................... 230
032 Reply to Invitation 回复邀请 ..................................... 231
033 Violation of the Contact 违反合约 ........................... 232
034 Welcome Customes to Visit 欢迎客户来访 ............... 233
035 Inviting to Tade Fai 邀请参加商展 ......................... 234
036 Condolence 吊唁 ........................................................ 235
037 Reply to Condolence 吊唁回复 ................................... 236
Chapte2 商务函电
038 The Components of Business Coespondence
商务函电的构成要素 ................................................... 238
039 Jo Application 申请职位 .......................................... 240
040 Application Inteview 面试邀请 ................................. 241
041 Applying fo Secetay 应聘秘书 ............................... 242
042 Welfae Expectations 福利要求 ................................ 243
043 Acceptance Notification 录用通知 ............................ 244
044 Refusing to Accept the Offe 拒绝接受录用 ............ 245
045 Application fo Tansteing Depatment
申请调换部门 .............................................................. 246
046 Reposting 新任命 ....................................................... 247
047 Pomotion 晋升 .......................................................... 248
048 Application fo Resignation 辞职申请......................... 249
049 Dismissing Staff 辞退员工......................................... 250
050 Conveying Good News 传达好消息.............................. 251
051 Releasing Bad News 发布坏消息.................................. 252
052 Holiday Notice 放假通知............................................. 253
053 Offeing a Poposal 提出建议..................................... 254
054 Giving Opinions 给出意见............................................ 255
055 Thanks fo Giving Advice 感谢给出建议..................... 256
056 Paise 提出表扬........................................................... 257
057 Awad 给予奖励.......................................................... 258
058 Citicism 批评指责...................................................... 259
059 Notice of Meeting 开会通知....................................... 260
060 Alteing Office Hous 更改上班时间.......................... 261
061 Taining Pogam 培训计划.......................................... 262
062 Congatulation on Futhe Studies 恭贺升学............. 263
063 Congatulation on Festival 节日祝贺........................... 264
064 Housewaming 乔迁之喜............................................. 265
065 Congatulation on Newly-maied 新婚道贺................ 266
066 Congatulation on Pomotion 升迁道贺....................... 267
067 Asking fo Pesonal Leave 请事假.............................. 268
068 Asking fo Sick Leave 请病假..................................... 269
069 Depatment Relocation 公司部门搬迁......................... 270
070 Condolence 表示慰问................................................... 271
071 Reply to Condolence 慰问回复..................................... 272
Chapte1 商务合作
001 Making Telephone Appointments 电话预约 .............. 004
002 Receiving Clients 接待客户........................................ 007
003 Company Pofile 公司概况.......................................... 011
004 Estalishment of Tade Relations 建立贸易联系...... 014
005 Intoducing New Poducts 介绍新产品..................... 017
006 Enquiies Made y the Buye 买方询盘..................... 020
007 Offes Made y the Selle 卖方报盘 ...................... 023
008 Odeing Goods 订货................................................ 026
009 Signing a Contact 签合同......................................... 029
010 Type of Payment 付款方式 ........................................ 032
011 Goods Packing 货物包装 ............................................ 035
012 Insuance Chages 保险费用 .................................... 039
013 Expediting Delivey 催促发货 ................................... 042
014 Quality Inspection 质量检验 .................................... 046
015 Making a Complaint 提出投诉 .................................... 049
016 Accepting Claims 接受索赔 ....................................... 052
Chapte2 商务出行
017 Aanging Business Tips 安排差旅 .......................... 058
018 Booking Ailine Tickets 预订机票.............................. 062
019 Customs Inspection 海关检查.................................... 067
020 Flight Delay 航班延误............................................... 071
021 On the Plane 飞机上.................................................. 074
022 Checking In 入住宾馆................................................ 077
023 Visiting Clients 拜访客户 .......................................... 080
024 Visiting the Factoy 参观工厂 .................................. 083
025 Attending a Banquet 参加宴会 ................................. 086
026 Maket Reseach 市场调查 ...................................... 089
027 Going out fo Puchasing 外出采购 .......................... 092
028 At the Tade Fai 在交易会上 ................................. 096
029 Checking Out 结账退房 ............................................ 101
030 Retun 返程 .............................................................. 105
Chapte3 商务会议
031 Office Facility 办公设备 ........................................... 110
032 Meeting Notice 会议通知 ......................................... 113
033 Paticipation in Discussion 积极讨论 ........................ 117
034 Meeting Aangement 会议安排 ............................... 120
035 Meeting Minutes 会议纪要 ....................................... 123
036 Meeting Agenda 会议议程 ........................................ 126
037 Concluding the Meeting 结束会议 ............................ 130
038 Cancelling the Meeting 取消会议 ............................. 134
039 Pepaations fo an Exhiition 筹备展会 ................. 137
040 Sales Taget 销售目标 ............................................. 140
041 New Poduct Release Confeence 新品发布会 .......... 144
042 Meeting Postponed 推迟开会 ................................... 147
043 Asent fom the Meeting 缺席会议 ......................... 150
044 Telephone Message 电话留言 ................................... 153
Chapte4 商务谈判
045 Making a Schedule 日程安排 .................................... 158
046 Compensation Tade 补偿贸易 ................................. 162
047 Joint Ventue 合资经营 ........................................... 166
048 Technology Tansfe 技术转让 ................................ 169
049 Business Agency 商务代理 ........................................ 173
050 Negotiating Commission 洽谈佣金 ............................ 176
051 Negotiation on Pice 价格谈判 .................................. 179
052 Negotiating Discount 洽谈折扣 ................................ 182
053 Making Compomises 妥协让步 ................................. 186
054 Tademak Registation 商标注册 ........................... 189
Chapte1 商务书信
001 The Components of Business Lettes
商务书信的构成要素 ................................................... 196
002 Making an Appointment 预约 ................................... 198
003 Confiming the Appointment 确定约见 ..................... 199
004 Intoducing New Poducts 介绍新产品 .................... 200
005 Poduct Pomotion 产品促销 ...................................... 201
006 The Buye Inquiy 买方询价 .................................... 202
007 Selling Offe 卖方报价 ............................................ 204
008 Declining the Counte Offe 拒绝还盘 .................... 206
009 Placing a Tial Ode 试订 ....................................... 207
010 Odeing Goods 订购 ................................................ 208
011 Packaging Requiements 包装要求 ............................ 209
012 Shipping Advice 装船通知 ......................................... 210
013 Shipping Notification 出货通知 ................................ 211
014 Uging Payment 催促付款 ........................................... 212
015 Reply to Pessing fo Payment 催款回复 .................. 213
016 Requesting Defeed Payment 请求延期付款............ 214
017 Incoect Invoice 发票错误 ...................................... 215
018 Complaint 投诉 .......................................................... 216
019 Retuning of Goods 退货 .......................................... 217
020 Making up fo the Losses 弥补对方损失 .................. 218
021 Claim fo Compensation 索赔 .................................... 220
022 Acceptance of Claims 接受索赔 ............................... 221
023 Asking fo Sole Agency 请求担任独家代理 .............. 222
024 Refusing the Request fo a Sole Agency
拒绝担任独家代理 ...................................................... 223
025 Thanking Customes 感谢客户 ................................... 224
026 Congatulations on Stating Business 恭贺开业 ........ 225
027 Thanks fo Recommendation 感谢推荐 ...................... 226
028 Talent Recommendation 人才推荐 ............................. 227
029 Thanks fo Hospitality 感谢盛情款待 ........................ 228
030 Intoduced into Relationship 关系引介 ..................... 229
031 Paty Invitations 聚会邀请 ......................................... 230
032 Reply to Invitation 回复邀请 ..................................... 231
033 Violation of the Contact 违反合约 ........................... 232
034 Welcome Customes to Visit 欢迎客户来访 ............... 233
035 Inviting to Tade Fai 邀请参加商展 ......................... 234
036 Condolence 吊唁 ........................................................ 235
037 Reply to Condolence 吊唁回复 ................................... 236
Chapte2 商务函电
038 The Components of Business Coespondence
商务函电的构成要素 ................................................... 238
039 Jo Application 申请职位 .......................................... 240
040 Application Inteview 面试邀请 ................................. 241
041 Applying fo Secetay 应聘秘书 ............................... 242
042 Welfae Expectations 福利要求 ................................ 243
043 Acceptance Notification 录用通知 ............................ 244
044 Refusing to Accept the Offe 拒绝接受录用 ............ 245
045 Application fo Tansteing Depatment
申请调换部门 .............................................................. 246
046 Reposting 新任命 ....................................................... 247
047 Pomotion 晋升 .......................................................... 248
048 Application fo Resignation 辞职申请......................... 249
049 Dismissing Staff 辞退员工......................................... 250
050 Conveying Good News 传达好消息.............................. 251
051 Releasing Bad News 发布坏消息.................................. 252
052 Holiday Notice 放假通知............................................. 253
053 Offeing a Poposal 提出建议..................................... 254
054 Giving Opinions 给出意见............................................ 255
055 Thanks fo Giving Advice 感谢给出建议..................... 256
056 Paise 提出表扬........................................................... 257
057 Awad 给予奖励.......................................................... 258
058 Citicism 批评指责...................................................... 259
059 Notice of Meeting 开会通知....................................... 260
060 Alteing Office Hous 更改上班时间.......................... 261
061 Taining Pogam 培训计划.......................................... 262
062 Congatulation on Futhe Studies 恭贺升学............. 263
063 Congatulation on Festival 节日祝贺........................... 264
064 Housewaming 乔迁之喜............................................. 265
065 Congatulation on Newly-maied 新婚道贺................ 266
066 Congatulation on Pomotion 升迁道贺....................... 267
067 Asking fo Pesonal Leave 请事假.............................. 268
068 Asking fo Sick Leave 请病假..................................... 269
069 Depatment Relocation 公司部门搬迁......................... 270
070 Condolence 表示慰问................................................... 271
071 Reply to Condolence 慰问回复..................................... 272

