中国智库报告:影响力评价与政策建议2013-2017 英文版
作者:上海社会科学院智库研究中心 著
出版:上海社会科学院出版社 2019.7
定价:130.00 元
ISBN-10:7552027991 去豆瓣看看
出版:上海社会科学院出版社 2019.7
定价:130.00 元
ISBN-10:7552027991 去豆瓣看看
Introduction: The Ways to Evaluate Chinese Think Tanks
I. Think Tank Evaluation Shoulders the Responsibility for Steering Development of Think Tanks
II. Think Tank Evaluation System Is Still in Exploration Stage
(I) Independence and Authoritativeness are Absent in Think Tank Evaluation Age…
Introduction: The Ways to Evaluate Chinese Think Tanks
I. Think Tank Evaluation Shoulders the Responsibility for Steering Development of Think Tanks
II. Think Tank Evaluation System Is Still in Exploration Stage
(I) Independence and Authoritativeness are Absent in Think Tank Evaluation Age…
Introduction: The Ways to Evaluate Chinese Think Tanks
I. Think Tank Evaluation Shoulders the Responsibility for Steering Development of Think Tanks
II. Think Tank Evaluation System Is Still in Exploration Stage
(I) Independence and Authoritativeness are Absent in Think Tank Evaluation Agencies as Subjects
(II) Unified, Open and Standardized Information Channels are Absent in Object Content of Think Tank Evaluation
(III) Scientific Nature of Think Tank Evaluation Criteria, Methods and Indicator Systems Needs to Be Improved
III. Development for Chinese Version of Think Tank Evaluation
(I) Policy In fluence of Think Tanks
(II) Academic Influence of Think Tanks
(III) Social Influence of Think Tanks / 8
(IV) International Influence of Think Tanks
IV. Attention Should Be Paid to Layer Structure of Chinese Think Tanks
Chapter I: Evaluation Studies on the Development of Chinese Think Tanks after the 18th CPC National Congress (2013-2017)
I. Report Themes in the Previous Years
(I) 2013: Basic Characteristics of Chinese Active Think Tanks
(II) 2014: “Characteristic” and “New-type” of New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(III) 2015: State Governance System and New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(IV) 2016: Innovations in Policy Environment and New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(V) 2017: New Era and Construction of New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
II. Previous Influence Evaluations of Chinese Think Tanks
III. Comparison of Previous Rankings by Comprehensive Influence
IV. Comparison of Quantity and Characteristics of Think Tanks in Previous Selection Pools
V. About the Nomination Mechanism of New Think Tanks
Chapter II: Year of 2013: Basic Characteristics of Active Chinese Think Tanks
I. Background Information
II. Definition and Classification of Think Tanks
(I) Definition of Think Tanks
(II) Selection Criteria of Think Tanks
(III) Classification of Think Tanks with the Chinese Characteristics
(IV) Basic Features of Active Chinese Think Tanks
III. Influence Evaluation of the Chinese Think Tanks
(I) Evaluation Criteria and Methodology
(II) Evaluation Classes and Objects
(III) Evaluation Procedures and Results
(IV) Structural Features of Top Chinese Think Tanks
IV. Analysis on Stages and Features of Development of the Chinese Think Tanks
(I) Five Stages in the Development of the Chinese Think Tanks
(II) Main Contributing Factors in the Development of Think Tanks
(III) Development Trend of the Chinese Think Tanks: Influence, Diversification and Internationalization
V. Main Findings and Policy Suggestions of Influence Evaluation for the Chinese Think Tanks / 59
(I) Main Findings
(II) Outlook and Policy Suggestions for Development of Think Tanks
(III) Future Research and Outlook
Chapter III: Year of 2014: “Characteristic” and “New-Type” of New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
I. Background Information
II. Scientific Connotation of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(I) “Characteristic” and “New-Type” of New-Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(II) The Role and Function of the New-Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(III) Basic Characteristics of Chinese Active Think Tanks
III. Influence Evaluation of Chinese Think Tanks
(I) Evaluation Criteria and Method
(II) Evaluation Categories and Objects
(III) Evaluation Procedures and Results
(IV) Structure Characteristics of China’s Most Influential Think-Tanks
IV. New Characteristics of Chinese Think Tanks
(I) Development Dynamics of Active Think Tanks
(II) Summary of Think Tank Research Topics
V. Main Problems Faced by the Development of Chinese Think Tanks and Policy Suggestions
(I) Main Problems Faced by the Development of Chinese Think Tanks
(II) Policy Suggestions on the Development of New-Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
Chapter IV: Year of 2015: National Governance System and New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
I. Background Information
II. National Governance System and Construction of New Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(I) Think Tanks and National Governance in a Global View
(II) The Circular Structure of Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(III) New Trends of Organization Form of Active Chinese Think Tanks
(IV) New Requirements of Development of Chinese Think Tanks in New Normal
(V) Institutional Innovation and Pilot Leading Think Tanks at National Level
III. Influence Evaluation of Chinese Think Tanks in 2015
(I) Evaluation Criteria
(II) Evaluation Classification
(III) Evaluation Procedures
(IV) Evaluation Results
(V) Development Features of the Most Influential Think Tanks in China
IV. New Features of the Development of Chinese Think Tanks in 2015
(I) New Trends of Active Think Tanks
(II) Hot Topics for Research Selected By Think Tanks
V. Difficulties and Suggestions on the Reform for Construction of Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(I) Difficulties for the Construction of New Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(II) Countermeasures and Suggestions for Driving the Development of New Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
Chapter V: Year of 2016: Policy Environment Innovation and New-Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
I. Background Information
II. Innovation of the Policy Environment and Construction of New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(I) New Roles of Think Tanks in the Process of Reconstructing Global Order
(II) New Functions of Think Tanks in the Construction of Theories with Chinese Characteristics
(III) New Programs for Regional and Sectoral Construction of Think Tanks
(IV) New Policies for Scientifically Guiding the Orderly Development of the Think Tank System
III. Influence Evaluation and Ranking of Chinese Think Tanks
(I) Evaluation Criteria
(II) Evaluation Principles
(III) Evaluation Categories
(IV) Evaluation Procedures
(V) Evaluation Results
(VI) Analysis on the Ranking of Chinese Think Tanks and Changes in 2016
IV. New Characteristics of Chinese Think Tanks in 2016
(I) Development Roundup of Active Think Tanks
(II) Popular Think Tank Research Topics
(III) Insights into the Ability of Think Tank Research to Set the Agenda: the “Belt and Road” Case Study
V. Policy Suggestions for Accelerating the Think Tank Construction
(I) Uneven and Unbalanced Phenomena in the Construction of New-type Chinese Think Tanks
(II) Two Major Risks in the Development of New-type Chinese Think Tanks
(III) Suggestions for Supportive Policies for Accelerating the Implementation of the Opinions
Chapter VI: Year of 2017: New Era and Construction of New-Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
I. Background Information
II. New Era and New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(I) New Era Calls for Improving the Government Assistance Capacity
(II) New Era Calls for Well-being Solutions
(III) New Era Calls for Greater Talent Team
(IV) New Era Drives Greater Fusion of Think Tanks and Media
(V) New Era Expects Chinese Think Tanks to Lead International Discourse Power
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Introduction: The Ways to Evaluate Chinese Think Tanks
I. Think Tank Evaluation Shoulders the Responsibility for Steering Development of Think Tanks
II. Think Tank Evaluation System Is Still in Exploration Stage
(I) Independence and Authoritativeness are Absent in Think Tank Evaluation Agencies as Subjects
(II) Unified, Open and Standardized Information Channels are Absent in Object Content of Think Tank Evaluation
(III) Scientific Nature of Think Tank Evaluation Criteria, Methods and Indicator Systems Needs to Be Improved
III. Development for Chinese Version of Think Tank Evaluation
(I) Policy In fluence of Think Tanks
(II) Academic Influence of Think Tanks
(III) Social Influence of Think Tanks / 8
(IV) International Influence of Think Tanks
IV. Attention Should Be Paid to Layer Structure of Chinese Think Tanks
Chapter I: Evaluation Studies on the Development of Chinese Think Tanks after the 18th CPC National Congress (2013-2017)
I. Report Themes in the Previous Years
(I) 2013: Basic Characteristics of Chinese Active Think Tanks
(II) 2014: “Characteristic” and “New-type” of New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(III) 2015: State Governance System and New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(IV) 2016: Innovations in Policy Environment and New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(V) 2017: New Era and Construction of New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
II. Previous Influence Evaluations of Chinese Think Tanks
III. Comparison of Previous Rankings by Comprehensive Influence
IV. Comparison of Quantity and Characteristics of Think Tanks in Previous Selection Pools
V. About the Nomination Mechanism of New Think Tanks
Chapter II: Year of 2013: Basic Characteristics of Active Chinese Think Tanks
I. Background Information
II. Definition and Classification of Think Tanks
(I) Definition of Think Tanks
(II) Selection Criteria of Think Tanks
(III) Classification of Think Tanks with the Chinese Characteristics
(IV) Basic Features of Active Chinese Think Tanks
III. Influence Evaluation of the Chinese Think Tanks
(I) Evaluation Criteria and Methodology
(II) Evaluation Classes and Objects
(III) Evaluation Procedures and Results
(IV) Structural Features of Top Chinese Think Tanks
IV. Analysis on Stages and Features of Development of the Chinese Think Tanks
(I) Five Stages in the Development of the Chinese Think Tanks
(II) Main Contributing Factors in the Development of Think Tanks
(III) Development Trend of the Chinese Think Tanks: Influence, Diversification and Internationalization
V. Main Findings and Policy Suggestions of Influence Evaluation for the Chinese Think Tanks / 59
(I) Main Findings
(II) Outlook and Policy Suggestions for Development of Think Tanks
(III) Future Research and Outlook
Chapter III: Year of 2014: “Characteristic” and “New-Type” of New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
I. Background Information
II. Scientific Connotation of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(I) “Characteristic” and “New-Type” of New-Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(II) The Role and Function of the New-Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(III) Basic Characteristics of Chinese Active Think Tanks
III. Influence Evaluation of Chinese Think Tanks
(I) Evaluation Criteria and Method
(II) Evaluation Categories and Objects
(III) Evaluation Procedures and Results
(IV) Structure Characteristics of China’s Most Influential Think-Tanks
IV. New Characteristics of Chinese Think Tanks
(I) Development Dynamics of Active Think Tanks
(II) Summary of Think Tank Research Topics
V. Main Problems Faced by the Development of Chinese Think Tanks and Policy Suggestions
(I) Main Problems Faced by the Development of Chinese Think Tanks
(II) Policy Suggestions on the Development of New-Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
Chapter IV: Year of 2015: National Governance System and New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
I. Background Information
II. National Governance System and Construction of New Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(I) Think Tanks and National Governance in a Global View
(II) The Circular Structure of Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(III) New Trends of Organization Form of Active Chinese Think Tanks
(IV) New Requirements of Development of Chinese Think Tanks in New Normal
(V) Institutional Innovation and Pilot Leading Think Tanks at National Level
III. Influence Evaluation of Chinese Think Tanks in 2015
(I) Evaluation Criteria
(II) Evaluation Classification
(III) Evaluation Procedures
(IV) Evaluation Results
(V) Development Features of the Most Influential Think Tanks in China
IV. New Features of the Development of Chinese Think Tanks in 2015
(I) New Trends of Active Think Tanks
(II) Hot Topics for Research Selected By Think Tanks
V. Difficulties and Suggestions on the Reform for Construction of Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(I) Difficulties for the Construction of New Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(II) Countermeasures and Suggestions for Driving the Development of New Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
Chapter V: Year of 2016: Policy Environment Innovation and New-Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
I. Background Information
II. Innovation of the Policy Environment and Construction of New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(I) New Roles of Think Tanks in the Process of Reconstructing Global Order
(II) New Functions of Think Tanks in the Construction of Theories with Chinese Characteristics
(III) New Programs for Regional and Sectoral Construction of Think Tanks
(IV) New Policies for Scientifically Guiding the Orderly Development of the Think Tank System
III. Influence Evaluation and Ranking of Chinese Think Tanks
(I) Evaluation Criteria
(II) Evaluation Principles
(III) Evaluation Categories
(IV) Evaluation Procedures
(V) Evaluation Results
(VI) Analysis on the Ranking of Chinese Think Tanks and Changes in 2016
IV. New Characteristics of Chinese Think Tanks in 2016
(I) Development Roundup of Active Think Tanks
(II) Popular Think Tank Research Topics
(III) Insights into the Ability of Think Tank Research to Set the Agenda: the “Belt and Road” Case Study
V. Policy Suggestions for Accelerating the Think Tank Construction
(I) Uneven and Unbalanced Phenomena in the Construction of New-type Chinese Think Tanks
(II) Two Major Risks in the Development of New-type Chinese Think Tanks
(III) Suggestions for Supportive Policies for Accelerating the Implementation of the Opinions
Chapter VI: Year of 2017: New Era and Construction of New-Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
I. Background Information
II. New Era and New-type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
(I) New Era Calls for Improving the Government Assistance Capacity
(II) New Era Calls for Well-being Solutions
(III) New Era Calls for Greater Talent Team
(IV) New Era Drives Greater Fusion of Think Tanks and Media
(V) New Era Expects Chinese Think Tanks to Lead International Discourse Power
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